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The next day, Jared told Krickitt to meet him and some friends for a hike. She made it to the location he told her about. She found him with a group of people. There were a couple of other guys besides Jared, and there were three attractive women. "Hey, let's go." He waved her over and everyone took off walking. He didn't introduce her to his friends. How weird is that, she thought to herself. She followed the group trying to catch up to Jared. She finally got next to him. "Hey." She said in attempt to get his attention. "Oh, did you find the place okay?" She nodded, "Yeah." "Good." Then he turned away from her and started talking to his friends.

After a few more failed attempts to get Jared to talk to her, Krickitt decided to just focus on walking and taking in her surroundings. She genuinely enjoyed seeing and experiencing nature, but she thought this was going to be about spending time with Jared. Unfortunately, it seemed like she was dead wrong. She heard someone say something about climbing this steep hill ahead of them. Due to her fear of heights, Krickitt was not about that.

She touched Jared's arm. "Listen, I'm not that good with heights, so I think I'm just gonna go." "Oh, okay. Are you good to head back by yourself?" Please walk with me, she yelled at him internally. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine." "Great. I'll talk to you later, okay?" She nodded. "Sounds good." He walked away from her to catch up with the others. She started walking in the opposite direction. "Why the fuck am I here?" She say aloud to herself.

The next day was a rather slow one at Starbucks. Krickitt was wiping down the counter at the tail end of her shift when she heard a familiar voice say her name. She looked up and met Jared's eyes. "Hey." He said, smiling softly. "Can I get you something?" She replied. "I'm here for you." "What do you mean?" He sighed, "Look, I know you're mad about yesterday. I understand." Just then, a customer walked in. "I can't talk now." "When do you get off? I'll wait." "Half hour." She then turned her attention to the person waiting in line.

Jared sat at a table and watched Krickitt work. She didn't look over at him once during the thirty minutes, so he knew he had fucked up. The shift change finally came and Krickitt made eye contact with Jared as she walked towards the door. He followed her out to the street. "Krickitt, I'm sorry I didn't introduce you to my friends and I ignored you. It was an extremely shitty thing to do." "I felt like I was in high school, Jared. I may be an idiot, but I thought we had something going." "We do! I'm just not used to having a girlfriend around when I'm with my friends."

"I've been thinking lately and I've realized that I'm a catch and I'm smart and creative and I don't need you or Andrea or anyone else to make me feel important." She walked a few steps ahead of him. "That's good. I don't want you to be dependent on me. You're amazing on your own." He reached forward and grabbed her arm pulling her back toward him. "I just like to be with you." He purred and kissed her lips. She couldn't help but gently put her hands on his neck and slowly slide them down his chest as he explored her mouth.

The next morning, Krickitt was awakened by her phone ringing. Jared groaned and turned over next to her in the bed. She smiled at the sight of him. After rubbing her eyes, she answered the phone. "Hello?" "Miss Tanner, sorry to call so early, but we would like for you join us in the casting process for the film. Auditions will start Monday and we want our fabulous writer to be there." "Yes! Absolutely, I'd love to! Thank you so much." "We will see you then, Miss Tanner."

She hung up and Jared cuddled up to her. "Good news?" He asked as lay his head down on her lap as she was in a sitting position. "Yeah, they want me to come to the auditions for the film! I'm so excited." "That's great. It's happening fast. I'm so happy for you, Krickitt." "Thank you." She smoothed his hair down with her hand.

They got out of bed and were brushing their teeth. She gave him an extra toothbrush she had in the cabinet. He finished before her. "Do you work today?" She spit out toothpaste. "Not until tonight." "Can I take you on a hike then? I'll do better this time." She laughed, "Okay." They left for Jared's place so he could change clothes. Krickitt waited for him in the car. He came back out wearing an extremely revealing cut-off. Once he got back in the driver's seat she said, "Is this your church shirt or something?" She couldn't stop herself from giggling. "As a matter of fact, it is." He replied, unbothered by her sarcasm.

He drove her to a location that was different than the one they were at the day before. "It's beautiful out here." He said. "It's a beautiful day." She rephrased. They walked about for an hour or so. Jared had grabbed her hand a little while back and still held it. "Hey, you know, there's no one else around." He pulled her body into his, holding her still in his arms. "Oh yeah?" "Wanna mess around?" He grinned devilishly. "How unsanitary. I'd rather not end up on an episode of Sex Sent Me to the ER." "Come on, we haven't had sex in like a week." He protested.

"Are you sleeping with anyone else?" He looked at her strangely, "Do you think I am?" "I'm asking you." "I'm not and the fact that you think I'm not completely and solely into you is hurtful, Krickitt." "Jared, you've never confirmed anything between us. How should I know that?" "I don't know, I guess I haven't proved myself." He started walking away in the direction they came. She jogged to catch him and wrapped her arms around him. He stopped walking and turned towards her. She moved her hand under his barely-there shirt and shoved it aside so that most of torso was exposed to her. She put her forehead to his as she felt his pecks and abdominal muscles.

He kissed her hard, gripping her tightly with his arms. They made out for several seconds then she felt his strong hands on her hips and ass. She pulled away, keeping a hand on his stomach. "Eh, I don't want to do this right now. I'm hungry, let's go get food." She smiled teasingly. She got out of his grip and started walking. "Jesus Christ, what am I going to do with you? You've gotten so confident, Krickitt, and you're driving me crazy."

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