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A few weeks later, Krickitt's pregnancy was starting to show, as she was 4 months along. Her doctor had approved her for traveling with 30 Seconds to Mars. Jared made sure to accommodate the tour bus to her comfort. She insisted that he not make a huge deal out of her coming along, but he wasn't taking any chances. She would have the big bed at the back of the bus and he would have the refrigerator stocked with healthy food for Krickitt, as well as for the baby's development. "You are my first priority. Everyone that's working on the tour will know that." He explained to her. "Jared that's really not necessary. I don't want everyone thinking I'm a needy bitch." "You are carrying the most precious thing in the world to us. My main concern will be taking care of you. I don't care what anyone says or thinks. End of story." His tone indicated to her that this was last they would speak of the subject.

They were all finally packed up and ready to get onto the tour bus. Jared showed her where they would be sleeping. "Looks comfy. Can I just chill for a bit? I'm kinda tired from all the packing." She asked. "Of course, rest as long as you need to. We're gonna take off soon, but we're gonna have a team meeting first. It's getting late, so I'll come join you afterwards." "Okay, thank you so much, baby." He put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. "Anything for you, you know that."

Krickitt lay in bed for about half an hour, and she felt the bus start up and take off. The door opened and closed and Jared got into bed with her. He spooned her and place a gentle hand on her growing belly. "When do you think it'll start moving?" "I don't know. Didn't the doctor say between 16 and 25 weeks?" "Well, I'm 17 weeks. Why haven't I felt anything?" He started laughing, "I think you're just freaking out a little bit. He also said since it's your first pregnancy, you might be 25 weeks along before you feel the baby move for the first time." She turned over on her back. "What if it never moves?" Krickitt's voice cracked as if she were going to cry. "Angel, stop worrying. Everything will be fine." He kissed her.

"Hey, you wanna mess around? It's been like a week since the last time." She laughed, "Why do you keep track of that, you weirdo?" "I don't know, it's something men do, I guess. So, you want to?" "Yeah." She caressed his face. He sat back on his knees and grinned as he quickly took his shirt off. "You piss me off." She said bluntly. "What? Why?" He questioned in confusion. "I mean, I'm pregnant, and you're all thin and...abs. And you're always really hot. It's not fair. Can't you get fat and gross with me or something?" "Okay, first of all, you are not fat or gross. I don't want you to say things like that anymore. You are beautiful, Krickitt, especially now that you have a human growing inside of you. Second, I can't just put on a bunch of weight when I'm touring. Otherwise, if you really wanted me to, I'd put on some extra pounds to coincide with whatever craving you might have."

"Oh my gosh, you are too good to me. I don't deserve you, Jared." "We deserve each other. We deserve to be happy. You make me so happy, Angel." "I love you so much." They kissed, but were interrupted by a knock on their door. "You guys boning?" Shannon asked from the other side. "Not yet." Jared hollered back at him. Unfortunately their door didn't have a lock on it. Shannon came right in. "So I was thinking that it's kinda shitty that Jared gets the comfy bed. I mean it makes sense for Krickitt because she's pregnant, but he's not. Why should he get to sleep comfortably all the time? For knocking someone up?" "Dude, she's my girlfriend. Why wouldn't I sleep in the bed with her?" "I'm just saying, you're not the pregnant one."  

"Are you saying you want to sleep in the bed with me?" Krickitt asked, frowning. "You guys know I wouldn't try anything weird, of course. Pregnant women weird me out anyway, like I don't think I could do it. I'd just be thinking about the baby, and my penis being near it and" "Okay! We get it!" Jared shouted. Krickitt cringed hard. "Anyway," Shannon continued, "I was thinking, maybe one night a week I could sleep in here." "No. Absolutely not." Jared said. "Jared, it's like what, twelve weeks of the tour? That's only twelve nights he's asking for. I understand where he's coming from. He's working hard too, he should get to sleep comfortably once in a while." Jared sighed, "Okay, fine." "Sweet! Let me try it out." Shannon plopped down on the bed. "This is so nice. It's actually pretty spacious. I bet all three of us could sleep here." Jared and Krickitt laid back as well and they all realized they could probably sleep comfortably on the bed.

"Okay, we can all sleep here, all the time. Is that cool?" Shannon asked. "What if Krickitt and I want to be alone?" "Just put of her scrunchie things on the doorknob." "I think it will be fine. It's only to sleep, Jared." Krickitt pointed out. "I feel like a kid again, sleeping next to my brother." He grumbled. "Well, I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back soon to snuggle, little brother." Shannon joked as he left the room. "I think he's possibly weirder than you." Jared sighed again, "This just means that we can't have sex whenever we want." "Sure we can. You heard what he said. I have lots of scrunchies." She smiled. He chuckled, "Let's use one now." "Babe, we just agreed agreed with Shannon. Let's hold off for awhile." He whined, and rested his head on her shoulder. "Sleepy time." She said. He hummed and pulled her closer to his body. She loved how he had gotten more cuddly since they found out she was pregnant. This baby is going to have the most loving daddy.

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