Sugar Daddy

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Krickitt arrived with Jared in Paris. He decided that they needed to rest at the hotel. The hotel they were staying at was a huge, grand building that looked like Marie Antoinette lived in it. Inside the lobby there were shiny marble floors and gorgeous, large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Krickitt felt like she was in another world, perhaps she was. Everything was too beautiful for her to withstand. Jared checked in at the front desk and then led her to their room.

The room was filled with regal furniture. The large bed had crisp white pillows and a thick burgundy duvet. Of course, there was a chandelier above it. "Where am I going to sleep?" Jared looked at her dumbly. "The bed." "Where are you going to sleep?" He said nothing and slightly grinned. "You expect me to sleep next to you?" He nodded, "Yeah." "Jared-" "I won't do anything I promise. I'll sleep on the couch if you want me to."

The day soon turned to night and Krickitt took a shower. She came back to the bedroom area to see Jared taking a pillow towards the couch. "Jared, it's okay. Sleep in the bed." He tossed the pillow back onto the mattress. "You excited for sightseeing tomorrow?" He asked her as he got under the covers. "Yeah. I want to eat a lot of food too." She giggled. "I know a great place for lunch. I go there every time I'm here."

The next morning, Jared led Krickitt around parts of the city. He showed her statues, sculptures, and breathtaking architecture. She was mostly quiet, but her eyes were as big as saucers as she took in the sights of Paris. In the early afternoon, he took her to an artsy café to eat. Krickitt indulged in a dreamy tomato bisque and an amazing baguette. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to me." She said as she finished eating and leaned back in her chair. Jared laughed.

"I'm so happy to see you like this." He said. "Like what?" "Like your goofball self. It's like Andrea sucked a lot of life out of you. I know who you really are, Krickitt, even if I've only seen glimpses of it." She smiled softly at him, in a way that showed that she was content in the moment. On the walk back to the hotel,  Krickitt would occasionally look over at Jared beside her. She took an opportunity to slide her hand into his. He let her do this and their fingers intertwined. She even rested her head on his shoulder in the hotel elevator.

They stayed in their room talking for a couple of hours. "I still have the script I wrote based on my time working at Starbucks during college. I think it'd be a funny movie." "Oh, shit yeah. America loves a workplace drama/comedy. I bet it's brilliantly written too." He winked at her. Jared's phone buzzed. "Oh, its Alessandro. He wants me to come see the layout for the show tomorrow. Would you like to come?" "No, I'll wait and see everything tomorrow. I'm inspired right now, and the view from our room is so beautiful. I think I'm gonna write." "Great! That's what I was hoping for." He kissed her on the cheek. He lingered awhile after his lips left her skin. She turned her head and slowly pecked his lips.  He pulled away from her. "I'll be back later." "Okay." She said softly as he walked away.

Jared returned to their room hours later and found Krickitt sleeping peacefully in the comfy bed. He gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek. He got in next to her and snuggled her. He rested his head on hers as he drifted off into sleep.

The next day, Jared surprised her with her own Gucci outfit for the day's event. She was to wear a sleeveless black jersey dress with ruffle detailing on the torso and a medium sized bow with red trim at the collar. The shoes were strappy with metallic gold and a colorful embroidered flower over the top of the foot. "Jared, really, this is too much." She shook her head and looked at him. "I asked Alessandro if I could pick you out something to wear. Put it on." She put the dress on and it fit her body perfectly. "I don't know about this. I've never worn anything this expensive." She said, running her hands along the material of the skirt. "It's Paris Fashion week. What are you going to wear? Sweats?" He replied.

Jared wore a pink suit that had a shiny purple reflective tint. It was a nice contrast to Krickitt's black dress. "You look amazing." He stood in front of her and pulled her close. She placed her hands on his chest as he kissed her forehead. "You're spoiling the hell out of me and we're not even officially together." "I'm fine with being your sugar daddy."

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