Scrunchies: Part Two

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A couple of weeks later, the band had a day off for traveling. Jared desperately needed to let off some steam from being on the road and playing shows every night. He wanted Krickitt to help him. He was already horny when she offered to massage his back. He sat between her legs with his back to her as she kneaded his aching muscles. Her touch was sending him over the edge. "Baby, it's scrunchie time." He said. She crooked a brow at him and he swiftly pulled the thick hairband off of her wrist. He quickly put it on the outside doorknob before closing the door. It only took him a second to be at her side again. "Oh, Angel, Daddy needs you." His hands met her waist as he got on top of her and he began kissing her neck. He started sucking on her sweet spot. She slid her palms up his back, however, she was struggling to get in the mood.

Being with Jared was always amazing, of course, because she loved him and he always made her feel beautiful. But lately, her confidence had been shifting. Her new motherly figure made her insecure. No one else acted as if they noticed, but she thought she was gaining weight unattractively. She saw her face swelling, as well as her feet and ankles. She felt like her stomach poked out like she was a planet. Her breasts nowadays seemed like floppy masses of fat. She had never felt so ugly in her life. Suddenly, she jerked away from Jared. He had slid his hand up her shirt, and it exposed part of her belly.

She turned over, shoving her face in the pillow. "Krickitt, stop this. Why are you pushing me away?" "Because I'm disgusting!" She cried. "What have I told you?! I don't want to hear it. You are having my baby. I'm the one that did this to you, you know that right? I'm still very much attracted to you." She sighed, "I just didn't know that being pregnant would make me feel this way." "You are so beautiful. There's no one sexier than you. Not in my eyes." She scoffed, "Aren't you kind of obligated to say things like that?" "Yeah, I guess. But I'm also just being honest. Can we make love now?" She nodded, clearly in a happier mood. She was ready for him.


A little while later, they had removed their clothes and after some foreplay, he was trying to enter her, but it wasn't happening. "You can't just stick it in?" "Baby, it won't go in. I can't.. are you not turned on? You want me to go down on you?" "No, it's weird if I can't see you. I don't like that my belly is in the way." "I want to do it anyway." He insisted. "No, I-I'm just not feeling this anymore." She admitted and got under the covers. She felt guilty when she heard him sigh. "Are you mad?" She questioned him. "Of course not. It's not your fault." "I didn't know that we could have bad sex." He lay down next to her. "You can't call it bad if we didn't actually have sex." "We have to do something about it. We'll figure it out." "I know. It's gonna be okay."

They decided to snuggle for a bit. Krickitt randomly felt a jolt in her stomach. "What the hell?" She said aloud. "What, babe?" Jared wasn't sure if he should be concerned or not. She felt it again, and suddenly realized what was happening. "It's kicking! The baby's kicking!" "Seriously?!" He immediately put his hand to her stomach, and he felt it too. "Holy shit. That's amazing! We made that!" He kissed her hard. "Shannon! Everyone! The baby's kicking!" She could hear footsteps coming toward the room. "No! We're still naked!" Krickitt screamed. "Oh, shit. I forgot!" Jared started laughing. "I cannot come in if there is a scrunchie on this door, but I'd like to feel my niece or nephew kicking, please." Shannon said on the other side of the door. She couldn't help but laugh as well.

Later on, the bus stopped near a local restaurant. Everyone was hungry and wanted to stretch their legs. Jared and Shannon FaceTimed with their mother, Constance. She had to hear the news of the baby's first movements. "That makes me so happy!We miss you all so much." She said, grinning from ear to ear. She was watching Lana for a few weeks, until Shannon could be with her. "Where's my girl?" Shannon asked, and the toddler was visible immediately on the phone screen. "Daddy." She said, melting everyone's hearts. "Daddy misses you, I promise I'll see you soon. I love you, sweetheart." The little girl then let out a phrase that sounded like 'love you' before the call ended.

"I'm so happy for you, bro." Shannon said to Jared as they left the restaurant. "You know, after everything we've been through, what Lana has had to go through, I'm glad you're happy. And she gets a little cousin out of it. Krickitt really is your perfect match. You couldn't have found anyone better to put up with your shit." Krickitt overheard and couldn't contain a giggle as Shannon laughed. "Hey now." Jared teased, smiling. The elder Leto continued, "I'm proud of you, little brother. It's like we're all one big, happy family now. I hope you know that Mom is very happy that your life is headed in this direction." "Thank you, man." Krickitt's heart swelled at the sight of the two brothers embracing each other. It was clear that their bond was stronger than ever.

Before everyone boarded the bus, Jared approached Krickitt with a serious face. "So, when I was in the bathroom before dinner, I did some research. It said that women have a hard time getting wet during pregnancy." "Jared." "Let's go buy some lube." "Can't it wait til another time?" She was slightly embarrassed, and hoped no one that was around could hear their conversation. "Sweetheart, Daddy can't wait. He can't take it any longer." She took pity on him on the account of urgency in his voice. "Okay, fine." He kissed her cheek before they hopped on the bus.

The bus stopped again at a pharmacy store. Jared waltzed in with Krickitt and practically made a beeline for the personal lubrications. She decided to try to look less conspicuous and hang back to browse the candy section. She picked up some chocolate covered peanut butter cups and met Jared at the end of the aisle. "Got it. What do you have?" He asked her. "Just chocolate." "No. I don't want my baby ingesting that crap." He put an arm around her and his hand rested in her lower back as the other lay on her stomach. "Jared, shut up. I want it. Just this once, okay?" He sighed, "Okay, only because you're hot." He winked. "After this, it's back to healthier stuff." "I have cravings, you know. I can't stand healthy stuff all the time." "Okay, my feisty little Angel. Just try to focus on your cravings for me right now." He smirked and she rolled her eyes. "You're so annoying when you're horny." "It's not just that. I love you so much. I just have to be with you, you know what I mean?" "Yeah. Honestly, I feel that way when I watch you on stage. You've never been more attractive to me than when you're doing what you love most." She smiled and he raised his brows, his entire demeanor perked up. "Really?" His voice got lower and more husky than usual, "Well, we'll have to fuck backstage after a concert sometime. You know, when I'm all hyped up and sweaty." Krickitt got weak in the knees. He took her hand as they headed to the check out.

Back on the bus, Shannon was getting ready to turn in for the night. Unfortunately for him, Jared and Krickitt had other plans. They moved quickly, on a mission for the bedroom. Krickitt took her scrunchie out of her hair and put it on the doorknob once again. "No! Come on, guys. Didn't you do it earlier?" Shannon was frustrated. "Not exactly. Sorry man." Jared said, smiling, as he shut the door.

This chapter was more of a filler. I'm thinking of something big happening in the next one. Not sure exactly what I want to happen yet. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!❤️

Scripted AttractionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora