So Good

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The cops came to Andrea's residence. Krickitt had her arrested for assault. They heard the baby crying and entered the house. They found both alcohol and cocaine within reach of the one-year-old. Andrea and her boyfriend were taken away immediately. They were about to take the baby as well. "Wait, what are you going to do with her?!" "She's going to wait down at the station until family can pick her up." "Okay. I have her father's number." "Great, thanks. The ambulance is on its way. You should really get that nose looked at."

Sometime later, Krickitt was at the hospital. Jared came into the room she was in. "Babe, what the hell happened?!" "So you have her?" "My mom and Shannon have her in the car. She's fine, how about you?" He caressed her cheek. "I'm okay. My nose isn't broken. Just kinda sore." He kissed her forehead, "I'm so relieved you're both okay. Are you good to leave?" "Yes, let's get out of here." He helped her off of the bed she was sitting on. "Now you can explain what happened."

"Do you think what I did was wrong?" Krickitt asked in the car after her explanation. "I pretty much provoked her." Jared took a deep breath, thinking hard about his answer. "I can't agree with what you did, but I'm glad you did it. Who knows what could have happened to Lana if she stayed there. I had no idea about the drugs and Andrea's apparent violent tendencies. It's good that she won't be around the baby." "At least she'll be safe now." "I'm thinking that your intentions were to give Andrea a piece of your mind, and I can appreciate that." Jared took her hand. "I just couldn't stand what she was doing to you all."

Andrea and her new man were put in jail. The Leto family received full custody of Lana. Whether or not she would return to her mother's care at all in the future was unknown due to the seriousness of her charges.

It took a lot of thinking by all involved, but after a few weeks, the decision was made to let Lana live with Shannon, her biological father. It took a couple of days to move all of her things into Shannon's place. Krickitt opted to not be there, just to give the family some time to adjust at their own pace. She hadn't seen Jared in a week, and she was really missing him. They would text occasionally, but she wanted to see him, just to know that he was okay.

Krickitt was approaching her building after a long day of working with the director and crew of the new film she had written a script for. A familiar scene played out in front of her: Jared Leto waiting for outside for her. "Hi." She said as she walked up to him. He smiled and then kissed her lips softly. "How have you been, my Angel?" She couldn't help but blush at her pet name. "I'm good, how about you?" She caressed his cheek. "I'm alright. I needed to see you." He embraced her. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked as she gently slid her hands over his back. He pulled away just enough to look at her face. "Yes."

They held hands as they walked down the street. "How is Shannon doing with Lana?" "Good. He said I can come over to see her anytime. Of course, he also said that would be the case even if I hadn't raised her for the first year of her life." He chuckled. "Now, I'm just trying to make light of this situation." "That's what you need to do. This is a major adjustment in both of your lives. You can still find joy in it, though." "Right. I still have my brother, and the baby will always be loved and taken care of."

They were silent for a couple of minutes as they continued walking, no destination in mind. He looked at her, just watching her be and his feelings were confirmed. He stopped and turned to her and said, "Krickitt, be my girlfriend again." "I thought I already was." Before she could get the complete sentence out, his lips were in hers. They made out shamelessly in the middle of the sidewalk. "I love you, Jared." She whispered against his lips. "I love you, too. I'm ready to be with you. You're so good for me."

They decided to return to her apartment. He noticed a lot of boxes and the place as a whole looked quite empty. "You moving?" "Yeah, it's time to get out of this tiny place. My new apartment is closer to work and it's much nicer and bigger." He sighed in relief, "So, you're staying in L.A?" "Yes, I would have told you if I was leaving." She smacked his shoulder playfully. "I know, I know. I just got worried for a second." He grinned and kissed her.


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