Perfect Script

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The next day, Krickitt noticed a change in on Andrea's mood and demeanor. She seemed...giddy. She was on the phone when she walked into the office, "This is it! This is our script! It's perfect!" She was smiling widely as she made her way into her office and she shut the door behind her. A few minutes later, Krickitt's office phone rang. "Yes, Miss Rule?" "The directors, the heads of the production company, and Mr. Leto will be here tonight to discuss this script. I'm so sure that this is the one, Tanner!" Andrea was so happy she couldn't contain herself. She even shared her joy with her boring assistant.

Andrea had dropped off a copy of the new script at the production company office and the men in charge were going to read it, and then come to Andrea with their decision. She gave a copy to the directors and they agreed to meet as well. She invited Jared, too, because he was the one who brought the brilliant script to her. Krickitt was so excited to see him, she could barely stand to wait the entire day. She sent him a text.

Krickitt: I'm excited to see you later😊

The message had been seen and within seconds, her office phone rang. She picked it up, "Hello, Miss Rule's office." "What color panties are you wearing?" The voice on the other line was all too familiar. "Jared?" "I asked you a question." She didn't know where this dominance was coming from all of a sudden, but she kinda liked it. "Uh-pink." "Cute. Matching bra?" "Yes." She blushed so hard she thought her cheeks would match her lingerie. "I'm excited to see you too. Until then, baby." He hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Krickitt nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Andrea's voice behind her. "Oh, Miss Rule, it was Mr. Leto. He said he was excited to discuss the script tonight." "Why didn't he tell me himself?" Krickitt felt her heart thumping hard inside her chest. "That I don't know. Maybe he was busy." "Whatever. I want you to type up a new script. I spilled coffee on my copy. Now, you've been working for me for a while so I'm trusting you to type it word for word. Don't add anything stupid or anything. I want a new copy on my desk by the time everyone gets here. Got it?" "Yes, Miss Rule, but it's kind of a long script right? It could take a long time." "I don't care. Just get on it, Tanner." Krickitt rolled her eyes as Andrea walked away. She pulled her personal flash drive out of her purse, and plugged it into her computer. She found the script in her folder and sent a copy to the printer.

Hours later, the directors and the film company heads had arrived and everyone was waiting on Jared. Krickitt took the opportunity to take Andrea her non-stained script. On her way back to her desk Krickitt noticed Jared walking in looking somber. Her smiled faded as she got a better look at him. "Jared, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong. I have to convince them that my 'friend' Peter Powers was killed in a car accident last night. It's very upsetting for me." "What?" "Oh, you know just a fake story for when they ask to meet with the writer."

Krickitt's stomach dropped. "Oh shit." "What is it?" "Andrea told me to type a new script for her because hers was ruined. So, instead, I just took the script off my flash drive..and I left my name on it." She started to cry. "No, no. It's okay. I can handle this. It'll be fine." He kissed her forehead and rubbed her back before heading into the meeting. Krickitt sat in her chair, defeated. There was nothing she could do at this point.

A few moments later, Krickitt's ears were met with Andrea's shrill voice, "Tannerrrrr!" She came stomping toward her. "What the hell were you thinking putting your name on my script?!" Krickitt broke down, "It's my script, Andrea. I wrote it." "Then why did Jared have it?!" Just then, he came up behind Andrea. "I took it from her desk." "What?" Andrea couldn't know that Jared and Krickitt were somewhat seeing each other. She'd destroy Krickitt's hopes for a career in the film industry.

"He must have taken it from my flash drive." Krickitt said, hoping to cover her ass. "Yeah, that's what I did. I just put a fake name in place of hers." "I don't believe you. Why would you do that, Jared?" After a few seconds, Jared opened his mouth to speak. However, Krickitt's voice was heard. "Because he has the hots for me." She stood up, "And he wanted to help me. I'm tired of putting up with your shit, Andrea. I can't do this anymore." "You're fucking fired! Both of you!" Andrea glared at them individually then stormed away.

Jared looked at her apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I hate that this happened." "No. It was bound to happen. It's not your fault." He shook his head, "No, it was completely my fault. I should have just left it-" "Jared, really, it's okay. I've been wanting to quit the shitty job anyway. Let's go." He perked up and grinned, "You want to leave with me?" "Yeah." She grabbed her purse and took his hand. "My place or yours?" "I've never seen your place." "That settles it." He put his arm around her and kissed her hair.

"Miss Tanner! Wait!" One of the men from the meeting came quickly after them as they were walking out. They both turned around. "Yes?" Krickitt responded. "We're still interested in working with you. Your script is perfect."

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