The Meeting

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It was now Monday afternoon. Andrea had a meeting for a new film that was in the early stages of development. Per usual, as they arrived for the meeting, Krickitt was left behind to gather everything while Andrea waltzed on inside. She was picking up the last few document folders out of the backseat and also trying not to drop Andrea's heavy satchel when she heard footsteps behind her. "Need some help?" She turned around and saw Jared.

"Um, no. Thanks." She held the folders to her chest, trying not to drop them as she walked passed him. "Wait, here." He caught up to her and took the folders out of her arms. Krickitt have him a soft smile, "Thank you." He also held the door open for her. "After you." he said. Who held the door open for unimportant assistants? She thought: I need to stop encountering this man. It's nothing but strangeness.

Eventually everyone was seated in a boardroom for the meeting. Krickitt couldn't help but wonder what Jared was even there for.   Andrea spoke to the two men sitting across from her, the heads of the production company. "I think you know everyone here except for maybe Mr. Jared Leto. He's one of our backers and I asked him to review our script." Jared stood up and shook each man's hand. Oh that's why, Krickitt thought to herself.

As he sat down, one of the men spoke up, "So, Mr. Leto, what did you think of the script?" "Well, Scripted Attraction, cool title by the way, I think it's good, but-" "But?" There goes Andrea, frowning and being her bitchy self. "I just think it's a little cliché. I mean the beautiful, vain lead of the play hating the nerd cast opposite her then falling in love with him in the end? It's pretty typical if you ask me." Jared was being pretty ballsy, but Krickitt figured you could be that way if you've won an Oscar.

"He's not wrong, Andrea." The other man pointed out. "The script itself is good, but maybe the plot could be different. Maybe have the nerdy guy fall in love with someone else and the lead girl has an affair with the director or something." "Alright. Andrea we like where this is going. Have your writers come up with a different story for these characters." One man said and the other followed up with, "That'll be all today." They stood up, "Andrea we'll be in touch about deadlines. Have a good evening, all." They both shook Jared's hand again and walked out of the room.

"Well that went a lot faster than I anticipated." Andrea stood up, "Tanner, get my things gathered up." Once everyone else was out of the room, she glared at Jared, clearly she was pissed. "Thanks for undermining my fucking film. Have a good one, Mr. Leto." She started to walk out. "Andrea, I was only trying to help." "Help?! Now you've set me back. Now I have to get my writers to come up with something else!" Krickitt piped up, "Miss Rule, this could mean a more successful film in the long run." Andrea shot daggers at her, "Who asked you to speak? Get my shit." She stormed out.

Krickitt sighed as she began to once again gather up folders. "Why don't you just quit? You don't deserve to be treated like that." Jared stepped closer to her. "Why are you still here?" "I helped you on the way in here, I can help you out." "I can manage this time." She grabbed everything and walked around him. He walked right behind her. "Krickitt thank you for what said. It was nice to hear." She looked back at him and nodded, then continued walking.

"Wait." He said, and she stopped walking. He walked around in front of her."What are you doing tonight?" She was stunned. "What?" "Let's go out. Just you and me." "Why?" He smiled awkwardly. "Do you not want to?" "No! I mean sure! Yeah let's do it." "Okay great! Here let me put my number in your phone. Just let me know when you get off work and then we'll go from there." "Okay um..its in my back pocket." She blushed as she turned her backside to him. She felt her heart flutter as his fingers grazed her material covered skin.

Krickitt made her way back outside and got everything into the car before getting in herself. "What the hell took you so long?" Andrea demanded. "Oh...I dropped some stuff. But don't worry I reorganized everything." Andrea returned her attention to her phone. "Try not to be such a klutz, Tanner. Call my writers and tell them everything that happened at the meeting today."

Nearly two hours later, they made it back to the office and Krickitt was still making phone calls. She had spoken with the very unhappy writers, and now she was talking to one of the potential directors. She was supposed to get off of work at this time. While listening to the person in the other line, she decided to text Jared.

Krickitt: hey it's Krickitt. Andrea is having me stay late to make calls. I don't know when I'll be able to leave.
Jared: Shit just tell her there's a family emergency or something.
Krickitt: I can't lie to her.
Jared: who cares? She's a bitch. She can make her own calls.
Krickitt: This is kind of your fault you know.
Jared: I know. I'm sorry but you said yourself that it's for the better.
Krickitt: Yeah well it sucks to be the one to do all the work.
Jared: let me make it up to you. Just tell her you've got a family emergency. I'm on way to pick you up.

Krickitt took a deep breath as she stood in front of Andrea's door. She knocked. "What is it?" Andrea hollered from inside, and Krickitt opened the door. "I'm sorry, Miss Rule." "What is it, Tanner? I'm fucking busy." "I'm sorry but my mom has been in an accident. I have to go." Andrea rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Wow, really? I need someone to be here. Fine, go on. I'll do it myself." Krickitt was so disgusted by the woman she didn't say another and left.

By the time she got outside, there was a Ford Bronco with flame graphics on the side. Jared, colorfully clad, stood on the passenger side. He yelled, "Hurry up before she happens to look out the window!" She put some pep in her step and got to the car where he opened the door for her to get in. Jared got in the other side and they both settled in for a drive. He looked at her, "Hungry?" "Yes, actually."

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