The Assistant

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Krickitt had been working as film producer Andrea Rule's assistant for five months now, and secretly hated the woman. Truth be told, there wasn't much to like. Andrea was beautiful, but she knew it and knew how to use it. Krickitt had learned that her boss had slept her way to the top.  Now that she was a woman of power, Andrea was not one to let it go to waste. Oh the completely ridiculous and ignorant things that Krickitt had to do for her. Andrea would call her to her office to have her hand her a stapler that was mere inches from her and also make her take out her trash twice a day. Not to mention get her lunch exactly the way she wanted it, the damn woman was so particular. Krickitt knew what being an assistant meant, but Andrea pushed her to the limit.

Krickitt had previously been a barista at Starbucks, but quit the job to find something more noble. She had graduated college with a degree in film production. She couldn't get the perfect job right away, but a former professor of hers referred her to Andrea. It wasn't going to be a glamorous job, but she figured it'd be a good learning experience while she saved up money and continued to write. Her biggest dream was to be a script writer. However, after working for Andrea this long, she wished she was still making espressos.

The afternoon was dragging on as Krickitt was finishing up an email for Andrea. It had been a long day and her eyelids felt as if they were a hundred pounds. Then suddenly a figure came into her sight. She blinked a few times and noticed it was a man. She recognized him immediately: Jared Leto. The man she'd been seeing in movies for the better part of her life. Damn, she thought, he is even more gorgeous in person. She'd also been a fan of his music, she loved how different it was from everything else she'd ever heard.

Krickitt's throat was tight and she felt her cheeks burning as he looked into her eyes and spoke. "Hello, I'm looking for Andrea Rule. Someone said her assistant was in this direction. Would that be you?" She cleared her throat in order to speak, "Oh-uh yes," she studdered, "is she expecting you?" "No, no. I just thought I'd stop by to finish up what we were discussing the other day. I figured she wouldn't be too busy at this time of the day." "Yeah, I'll just tell her that you're here."

She dialed the two digit number to call Andrea in her office. "What is it?" She seemed agitated. "Miss Rule, Jared Leto is here to see you." Krickitt made eye contact with Jared who smiled kindly at her. He was pleased that the cute, young girl knew who he was. She was more than cute actually, he thought she was very attractive. "Oh, of course!" Andrea beamed over the phone. "Send him in!" "Right away." If you asked Krickitt, the woman seemed maybe a bit too excited to see Mr. Leto.

She looked back up at Jared, "You can go on in." She didn't show any interest in him or his career because she knew she was nothing to him. There was no need to show him that she actually had a personality or interests because why would he care? She returned her attention back to her computer screen, not noticing Jared still standing there. She looked over at him again, confused. "What's your name?" She seemed to forget her own name after he asked the question as it took a while to register. "Krickitt."

"Wow. That's cool. Now what's your full name?" "Um..Krickitt Marie Tanner." She was bewildered at this point. She'd become accustomed to being all alone at work over the last few months. No one in the office looked at her for more than five seconds at a time, let alone attempted a conversation with her. "Well, Miss Tanner, it was lovely to meet you. I'm Jared-oh I guess you know that already." He stuck his hand out towards her. She took it after a few awkward seconds. "Likewise, Mr. Leto." He rejected her professionalism and waved it off. "Jared, please. I should go." What a weird fucking day this has turned out to be, Krickitt thought to herself as she watched him walk away. Was he...flirting with her? Why was he being so talkative and strange?

Little smutty.

Jared got into Andrea's office. "What took you so long to get in?" "Oh, I was talking to your assistant. She seems sweet." "Are you serious? She's a bore. Why were you talking to her?" He shrugged, "I don't know. Just trying to be nice." "Well, don't. Just worry about be nice to me." She got closer to him and put her arms around his neck. She kissed his lips hungrily. Jared pulled away from her after a moment. "You know Krickitt is pretty hot." Andrea scoffed, "Oh, fuck you." She kneeled in front him and her hand was on his zipper. "You think she could ever do this for you?"

Andrea was in the middle of Jared's blowjob when her phone rang. "Ooh, ya think it's Krickitt? Let's answer it." Jared teased. "Shut up. Just ignore the stupid phone." Her mouth returned around his cock. He leaned his head back as his fist wound its way into her hair. He slowly started to buck his hips, letting his cock hit the back of her throat. The phone rang again, then a third time.

Krickitt was getting nervous because Andrea wasn't picking up the phone and she didn't know what to do. She was flustered, but luckily Andrea's fiancé was patient. He was always polite and always called Krickitt by her name. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Phillips. I'll go see what's going on." She made her way to the office door and she was so upset that she forgot her manners and opened the door without knocking first.

"Miss Rule, your fiancé-" Krickitt stopped in her tracks, shocked at the sight in front of her: Andrea on her knees pleasuring Jared Leto. She immediately turned back to quickly exit the room. She heard the familiar sound of Andrea yelling. "No! Get your ass back here!" It was as if she were yelling at a misbehaving child. Krickitt turned back around. "Shut the door!" The younger woman did as she was told.  Jared was hurriedly zipping up his pants.

"Now, Tanner. Understand this: if you so much as think of telling another soul about this, your precious dreams of being a movie writer will go down the fucking toilet. I own you. Obey me or else." "Jesus, Andrea just leave the poor girl alone-" Jared attempted to butt in. "No! She knows her place. She won't say anything." Andrea stepped confidently over to Krickitt. "Will you, baby cakes?" Krickitt looked over at Jared for a second. He looked at her shortly before quickly turning his head away. She looked at Andrea and shook her head.

"Good. Now, you're free to go. Just wait until Jack and I are gone before you see Mr. Leto out." She walked over to her desk to collect what she needed, then kissed Jared roughly. This was mostly to just show off in front of the girl whom he referred to as 'hot.' She strutted out of the office. The door was left open, but the room was out of sight of Andrea's boyfriend, thankfully, so he couldn't see the other man in he office.

They heard Andrea say, "I've told them to get that phone fixed! I can never hear the damn thing when it rings." That was her lame excuse to the man she was going to marry. After a couple of minutes, Krickitt spoke, "Okay I think we can go now." She walked nervously back to her desk to get her things to take home. Jared followed her. "Hey, I hope this doesn't make you think less of me. It's only happened a couple of times. We were gonna stop-" "You don't have to explain to me. I'm just the assistant." She was ready to walk away from the situation. He looked at her and nodded slowly before she walked away from him. He understood her point of view, but was disappointed. He wanted to keep talking to her for some reason, even after the embarrassment he just went through.

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