Tell Me You Want Me

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For the next two weeks, Krickitt found herself always checking her phone for some notification from Jared. She wanted to see him again. Can you miss someone you've just met? Enough of that, she thought to herself, now back to work. Andrea had been given a deadline for a new Scripted Attraction script: three months. And the writers seemed to be at a standstill. Krickitt found it funny, two weeks in and they hadn't come up with a single idea. What creative writers they are, she thought.

It was time to go get Andrea's overpriced lunch. She always made sure to check the food before taking it to Andrea to be sure it was to her specific liking. Sure enough, there was a mistake: the salad was tossed in the dressing. Andrea preferred dressing on the side. Krickitt had to get this corrected, who knows what would happen if she didn't. She sat at a table to wait for the chef to fix the salad. She decided to scroll through Instagram to kill a little time.

She was startled when she heard her name. She recognized the voice immediately. She looked up and was met with Jared's ocean blues. "Hey!" He sat down at her table, "What are the odds of us running into each other here?" "Um pretty good, apparently." "How have you been?" "Good." She felt awkward because she really thought he would get ahold of her since the last time they saw each other. "How about you?" "Great, yeah, just really busy working on the album and everything. Sorry I've kind of disappeared on you. I'm glad we ran into one another, though-" The server called out, "Andrea Rule!" "I have to go now." Krickitt nervously blurted out, "Andrea's expecting me." She shot up and made a beeline for the front counter.

Jared followed her, "I'll ride with you back to the office." She grabbed the bag with the food. "Oh no! That's really sweet of you but I'm sure that you've got better things to do." They walked out of the restaurant. "No, no. I was gonna say that I'm free tonight and thought maybe you'd wanna hangout or something." "Um Jared, I don't think so. I really gotta get going." He frowned at her in disappointment as she turned away from him and started speed-walking. "We'll be in touch, Krickitt!" he hollered after her.

"I'm sorry for being late, Miss Rule." Krickitt said as she brought the salad into Andrea's office. "There was a problem with the dressing, but don't worry, I got it taken care of." Andrea took the container from her, "Finally. Oh, and Tanner, I have a dinner tonight with our new directors for the film to discuss possible locations. You're coming with me." Krickitt nodded, "Of course." She started to walk out. "Hope you didn't have a hot date or anything.' Andrea added for spite. Krickitt rolled her eyes as her back was to the other woman. I very well could have, she thought to herself.

It was now 7 p.m., and Andrea and Krickitt were making their way into the very upscale restaurant. Krickitt couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jared opening the door for them. "You ladies are looking fine tonight." Andrea walked ahead of her. "What are you doing here?' Krickitt asked Jared. "Andrea invited me at the last minute. I wasn't busy tonight anyway." He said as a dig to her, "She asked me to be a producer on the film." They continued to walk toward the elevator, following Andrea. She wasn't paying much attention to them, though, and she didn't wait for them to get in. "What do you mean? I thought you were already super busy." She looked at him inquisitively. "Yeah, but nothing that I'm doing right now allows me to be around you. So I took the opportunity." She was stunned and at a loss of words. The elevator doors opened and he put a guiding hand on her lower back to lead her in. They stood silently until the doors closed again.

Suddenly, he pressed her against the wall and invaded her mouth. She had no time to react. He pulled away after a moment, but stayed close to her face. "Why are you fighting this? I haven't wanted someone this much in years." He caressed her face, waiting on her answer. "I don't think this is right. With our age difference and all." She was breathless. "Your body is telling me differently." He released her and the doors reopened. "Just tell me you want me too." He said to her quietly as they exited the elevator. Krickitt could still feel the sensation of his strong fingers gripping her hips as they walked to the table.

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