Wisdom Teeth

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You're sat in the dentist's waiting room for your appointment to have 2 of your wisdom teeth removed. Your long-term boyfriend Harry has come with you just for moral and emotional support and because the dentist wouldn't let you get home alone. 

"How are you feeling?" Harry says with his arm resting on the back of your chair 
"Okay, I'm looking forward to having a nap," you say trying to make the situation a little lighter as you hold his hand on his lap.

Harry knows how much pain you've been in with your wisdom teeth. He was the one to sit up with you during the night when the pain was too much to lay down with, he was the one who held you close and put ice on your cheeks. But he did that because of how much he loved you, he did it out of the kindness of his heart rather than to just keep you quiet. 

"Y/n Y/l/n?" the dentist's nurse calls your name out,
you stand up not letting go of Harry's hand "Can he come with me?" you ask,
you watch the nurse nod "Yeah, we are just going to start the anesthesia process," she says with a sickly sweet smile.
your grip on Harry's hand gets tighter as you suddenly feel nervous, it has finally clicked in your head that this is really happening. Harry rubs his thumb softly on your hand as he stands up and kisses your temple
"You'll be okay, they know what they're doing," he says in the most reassuring tone possible, you nod and follow the nurse, still holding onto harry's hand. 

1 hour and 30 minutes later and you're in the recovery room, you're not entirely sure who or where you are, everything seems fake and like you're dreaming. Harry is sat watching you with a small smile on his face, he's holding your hand softly. 
"Hi, sleeping beauty, how you feeling?" He says quietly 
"I feel.." you suddenly realize your mouth is full of gauze, you groan and go to take it out 
"Woah Woah Woah" Harry raises his voice slightly at you and takes your hand away from your mouth "you've got to keep that in or you won't heal properly darling," he warns you. 

Due to the Anesthetic, you're incredibly sensitive and emotional, you start to tear up. 
Harry lets out a soft sigh as he realizes how hard the rest of the day is going to be. 

once you're allowed to leave, Harry drives you back to his shared house. He persuaded you to stay at his for the weekend, he wanted to look after you and knew what needed to be done as he had previously done the same for his brother Tom. 

the car journey is full of you talking absolute rubbish. you talk about Harry a lot, you compliment him endlessly. 

"Your eyes are my favorite eyes.. your hair too... the curls are like curly fries, no noodles" you pause and hum "I really like noodles" 
Harry tries his hardest not to laugh and nods as he rests his hand on your knee. you start to ramble on about how beautiful he is and how much you love him. Harry isn't used to this many compliments being thrown at him, he's slowly turning pink in the cheeks. 

Once you arrive at the house Harry texts Tom to get him to meet you at the door as he carries your bag. Tom almost instantly opens the door as soon as the text is sent, he watches you get out of the car and turn the wrong way, slightly confused with your surroundings
"Hey Chipmunk, come on inside" Tom yells from the door to get your attention. You turn to face Tom and smile widely 
"I have a beautiful boyfriend, he has such pretty eyes" you yell back at him whilst pointing to Harry who is currently getting your bags from the boot,
"Oh really? that's cool, come inside and we can talk about his eyes in here" Tom says as he walks up towards you knowing you're not going to do as you're told, 
"Yeah, His eyes are like chocolate and honey mixed together, they're artwork," you say as tom takes hold of her arm to guide you to the front door,
"That's really cool," he says not really listening to you.

once you're inside you sit down on the sofa and start to cry, Tom and Harry look at each other and sigh 
"What's wrong Angel?" Harry asks softly as he puts your bags on the stairs to go up in his room
"I don't know, my teeth aren't in my mouth anymore... I miss them.. are they okay?" you ask as you sniffle. Harry smiles softly trying not to laugh as he walks over to you, he cups your cheeks and kisses the top of your head. 
"I promise you, darling, they're fine... they were mean and nasty teeth so the doctor saved your friendly teeth," Harry says in a loving and soft tone,
 Tom is grinning ear to ear as he walks into the kitchen to stop himself from laughing at how you've turned into a 4-year-old due to the anesthetic.
"How about we get you upstairs for a nap darling?" Harry says hoping you'll stop crying. You nod and raise your arms up to get Harry to carry you to his bed, which he did. 

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