Potty mouth

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- this is a short one -

You & Harry are married & have a 6 year old daughter, her name is Elizabeth.. Lily for short.. of course after your favourite short film directed by Harry.

Harry is currently on a zoom interview, he's promoting his upcoming movie which is due to hit the cinemas next week.

He'd said to you that he didn't want any distractions, he had given you his card to go get Lily some ice cream & take her to the seafront for the day.

That worked until Lily became stroppy because she missed Harry. Although you were the parent that spent the most time with her - due to Harry being off filming movies around the world - she still favoured Harry.

You tell Lily to keep quiet as you both walk through the front door. You put your finger on your lips and Lily puts her finger on her lips too and nods in agreement.

You text Harry to see if he wants a cup of tea whilst Lily goes and starts to play with her dolls house

y/n: ☕️?
Harry: ✅ 😘

You smile at the kissie face and walk to the kitchen to make the tea for both you & him. Your back is turned for 2 minutes and that's when hell happens.

There's suddenly a huge thud.

You turn around just as the tears & screams start... before you even have a chance to go over and see what happened, Harry is already out of the office and jogging over to her.

"Come here princess Lily, what happened? Tell daddy all about it" he says in the softest tone as he scoops her up and sits on the sofa with her.

Between sobs Lily tells Harry what happened "I wanted to be like uncle Spiderman & climb the sofa but I fell and I hurt my head on the fucking dogs toy" she says

Harry looks up at you speechless that his 6  year old has just sworn as he kisses her head better

"Oh and I wonder where she got that from" you say in a sarcastic tone as you walk over and put his tea on the coffee table
You turn your attention to Lily "princess, you shouldn't feel like you need to be like other people. Just because Uncle Spider-Man climbs things doesn't mean you have to & you definitely shouldn't be copying daddy with that bad word.. okay?" You say to her, trying to be stern yet sympathetic

Lily nods "okay mummy, what about Bastard Can I say bastard?" She says with a sniffle

"No, no you can't say that either darling" Harry says with a grin as he try's not to laugh whilst realising that it isn't just him that Lily has learnt bad words from.. but you too.

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