Rapid Fire

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Imagine this:
You and your best-friend are stood in line to meet Tom Holland, you're not that excited as you're more interested in his younger brother Harry.. but your friend has insisted that you meet Tom & has said that apparently, you'll love Tom once you meet him. You're holding 2 cups of tea, one for you aannndddd one for Harry.
You see Harry in the distance.
He notices you and tilts his head in confusion looking at you with 2 cups of tea In your hand, laugh to yourself as you step out of the line
"I'll see you in a bit," you say to your best friend as you walk towards Harry and hold one out to him and he grins and jogs over.
"I got you a cup of tea, I was going to wait until My friend saw your brother give it to you" you smile
"You, are a lifesaver.. the queue is massive and I'm gasping for a cuppa tea" he grins "did you put sugar in it?" He questions
You laugh and shake your head "I don't think I could ever make your teas wrong with that tea making video on the internet"
He laughs and nods
"Erm, so a few fans sent in some questions for me to ask you, are you okay to let me just ramble them off to you? They're more or less all 1 worded answers?" You ask with a sweet smile
Harry smiles and nods "so the tea was a bribe then?" He laughs "of course, I'll do anything for a cup of tea"
You raise your eyebrows in shock "anything?" You ask
He blushes and laughs "okay, no exactly anything, but anything to a certain degree" he speaks as he walks with you to a table near Tom's meet and greets booth, Harry pulls a chair out for you to sit down as he sits down in the chair next to it
"Right, shoot and fire these questions then" he smiles and leans back in his seat sipping the cup of tea as he scratches the top of his head.
You rapid-fire the questions at him and he answers all of them honestly, it takes you both roughly 20 minutes to get through the large collection of questions everyone sent you through your fan page.
"That's it" you smile sweetly
"Thanks, that was different to what I was used to.. it was quite fun he laughs softly
"Well, I am to please" you instantly regret your words and cover your mouth "that's not what I meant" you laugh out embarrassment and Harry laughs along with you and places a hand on your thigh
"It's fine, don't worry about it," he says.
he smiles softly as you look up at him, his eyes are practically looking into your soul and it makes your heart flutter.
"So, what's your Instagram? I'd like to get to know you better now you know all my secrets and I'm not sure there's enough time left of Tom's meet and greet for me to ask some questions" he smiles showing his little dimple
"Oh erm my Instagram is *insert your personal Instagram username*, and my name is Y/n" you smile
Harry gets his phone out and instantly searches you up "Nice to meet you y/n" he says as he follows you and looks at your recent upload with a smile.
"Anyways I best get back to my friend, they'll be getting worried" you smile sweetly
"Yeah yeah, of course.. it was nice talking to you, dm me some time yeah?" He says standing up
You stand up and nod "yeah, of course, see you later" you smile before walking away, you can feel Harry's eyes burning holes into your back as you think to yourself "how on earth did I just stay calm during all of that?"
"There you are!" Your friend yells, she's already met Tom and has mascara and eyeliner running down her cheeks from all the crying she did, you laugh when you see her
"Oh god, you didn't breakdown on him did you?" You say and shake your head
She laughs "no, I did this all after I met him, where were you?"
You look back at Harry who's sat at the table looking at you from a distance, you smile lovingly "just getting some questions asked for the followers"

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