Movie Night

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Imagine this:

You and Harry are having a chilled night in watching Ozark on Netflix. You're both cuddled under a blanket on his bed, your head is resting on his chest. One of his hands is in the popcorn bowl and the other is playing with your hair. You can hear his heart beating which is oddly comforting. Harry keeps tutting and scoffing at every camera movement, "they obviously have no idea what the compositional rules are... rule of thirds would have worked much better there" he says as he puts a handful of popcorn in his mouth, you smile and shake his head

"What?" He says with a grin

"You're turning into director Harry again" you grin as you look up at him from his chest

"Oh ... I'm ruining the series, aren't I?" He chuckles and kisses the top of your head "sorry darling"

You smile and turn your attention to the movie again Letting out a scoff "oh my god, did you see that kid look at his marker?"

Harry lets out a laugh and cuddles you closely "you're just as bad as me" he says.

Harry Holland Imagines vol.1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora