Chapter 102

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Riley's POV

Sunlight peaked through the closed curtains, dancing along my closed eyes. I finally opened my eyes, and look around the hotel room. Our clothes were scattered around the floor, and the bed was a bit of a mess. I moaned tiredly and rolled onto my other side, facing James. He was fast asleep, both of his arms wrapped around my waist.

I closed my eyes again and thought back to last night, smiling to myself as I did so. I rolled back onto my other side again so my back was to James, and kept thinking about my night. I kept my eyes closed, until I felt James kissing my shoulder and tracing his fingers lightly across my spine. I slowly rolled back over.

"Good morning." James whispered.

"Morning." I reply, also in a whisper.

"How was your night?" He asks, smirking at me. I smile, casting me eyes from his.

"My night was amazing." I tell him.

"So was mine." He replies.

"I, um, wouldn't mind doing it again sometime." I tell him shyly. He smiles broadly.

"Neither would I." He replies. I outstretched my arms and than tightly wrap them around his chest before nuzzling my face into it. James runs his hand up and down my outer thigh. His hand was slightly cold, but it felt nice and sent shivers up my spine. I look back at him again and smile.

"You were my first." I tell him. He chuckled.

"Yeah I figured that, since you never had a boyfriend before me." He replies. I giggle.

"Yeah." I say. It was quiet.

"James, it's okay, I know I'm not your first. You don't have to even pretend that I am." I tell him. He looks at me oddly.

"What do you mean you're not my first?" He asks.

"I hear people talk and stuff. I'm not the first girl you slept with, and I know that. But I wouldn't hold it against you." I tell him.

"Just because people talk doesn't mean it's true." He replies.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"You were my first Riley. I may seem like a player, but I'm not all bad. I was saving my first time for someone special and I truly loved." He tells me. I give him a kiss.

"I love you too." I tell him.


Me and James spent the next hour or so laying in bed talking, kissing and stuff. But by ten thirty, I knew it was time that we got up, got ready and left to go home.

"I'm going to go get in the shower." I tell James. I reach over for a spare blanket that was resting on a small chair next to the bed. I grab it and wrap it around myself securely before getting out of bed.

"May I join you?" James asks, licking his lips. I playfully glare.

"You certainly may not." I reply.

"Ah, you're no fun." He pretends to pout.

"Oh well." I reply.

"At least give me a kiss first." He orders.

"That I can do." I respond, walking over to him and give him a short, meaningful kiss.

"Thank you." He replies with a smirk.

"My pleasure." I reply with a little giggle before darting into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

James's POV

I laid my head back down on the pillow and smiled as I relived the moments from last night.

It was amazing. No, not even that. It was this feeling that I can't even describe.

But as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was regretting it. Because as much as I loved it, I was just digging myself deeper into the whole that I had dug myself in. And it was going to be hard to get out of.

This time next week, I can't even imagine what I'll look like in Riley's eyes. The jerk who played her for the past few months, took her virginity away and than dumped her a week later.

"Hey, the bathroom's all yours." Riley says, stepping back into the room with a towel wrapped around her. I look around me for something to wrap around me.

"Here." Riley says sweetly, handing me the blanket that she had been wrapped in before. I wrap it around my waist and than get out of the bed.

"Thanks baby." I say, giving her a peck on the lips.

"No problem, now go on so we can leave. My dad is expecting us home by supper." She reminds me.

"Yeah, yeah." I sigh and go into the bathroom.

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