Chapter 60

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Riley's POV

I sat in math class the next day. I fiddled with my pencil as I waited for the teacher to come in. I doodled on the edge of my paper carelessly until I felt a presence hover over me. I glanced up where a pretty blonde girl stood.

"Riley, right?" She asks in an obviously fake sweet tone.

"That's me." I reply slowly.

"And you're James Kennedy's girlfriend?" She inquires.

"Yes." I say uneasily.

"Oh, I see." She says, a bitter sweet smile on her face as she turns to walk away

"And you are?" I ask. She turns around slowly, a fake smile on her flawless face.

"Ashley." She says before turning around.


I had found out myself that James had a tendency to try and make out with me in the hallways. I'm not sure if he did it with every other girl, but he does it with me, even when I'm trying to tell him something.

"Stop it." I snap against his lips.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I was trying to say something before you cut me off." I reply.

"Sorry. Now what were you saying?" He asks. I sigh.

"You know that girl Ashley you dated?" I ask. He nods.

"Yeah why?"

"Well I was talking her today in math."

"What were you two talking about?"

"It wasn't really talking. She came over, asked me who I was, asked if I was your girlfriend, and than walked away." I explain. He nods slowly.

"Very good." He says.

"Do I have anything to worry about?" I ask.

"Nah, of course not." He says.

"Good." I sigh.

"But we got some unfinished business to take care of." He smirks, capturing my lips with his once again.


James's POV

I didn't know what to think about Ashley asking Riley all that stuff. I mean, it's Ashley probably just being jealous or whatever, but still. There was still this feeling that she could do stuff to Riley that can make her life a nightmare.

"James?" Riley asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I mumble, bringing my attention back to her. An angelic smile shows on her face as she lightly grabs on my shirt and hauling me closer, making our lips connect once again. I immediately kiss back.

There was no way I was letting Ashley, or anyone for that matter, hurt my girl.

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