Chapter 52

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Riley's POV

"You can come in." I offer James. He hesitates, but than shakes his head.

"My darling mother probaly wants me home." He replies sarcastically.

"Alright. Talk to you later." I respond. I give him a peck on the cheek and get out of the truck and walk into my house.

"I'm home!" I call out.

"We're in the kitchen!" Dad calls out. I lay my bag by the door of my room and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Didn't expected you to be home so early." Emily comments. I shrug.

"James's parents came home earlier than expected so I decided to come home." I reply.

"I see." She says slowly.

"Well, I'm just going to get ready for work." I tell her with the same tone.

"Okay." She replies, crossing her arms and staring at me. I slowly back away and than run up to me room.


"So how's that boyfriend of yours?" One of my co workers Janet teased me. She was in her early to mid twenties, rainbow streaks through her pitch black hair, and had a 'different' style of wardrobe. She looks rough and scary, but she's actually one of the nicest people I have ever spoken too.

"He's fine." I mumble, trying not to blush. I start cleaning off a table, and I hear the bell on the front door ding, meaning someone just walked in. I feel Janet leave my side and go see to the customers. I keep cleaning the table, until I feel Janet's presence return.

"The lady who just walked in requested that she served her." She tells me. I look at her oddly before I look at who's sitting at the table. Of course it was no other than James's mother. I let out a frustrated sigh before I walk over to the table.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I ask sweetly. James's mother shows a fake smile, grabbing my arm sharply.

"Girls, this is James's most recent girlfriend Riley." Mrs Kennedy tells her group. They all smile kindly, taking me in. I shift my weight uncomfortably as they look me up and down.

"What can u get you all?" I repeat. They give me their orders.

"I think by now you know what I want." Mrs Kennedy tells me sharply.

"Okay than." I mutter before striding off to the kitchen.


"He's into the lower class now, is he?" I overhear one of the ladies ask James's mother. She grunts.

"More like the poor class." She mutters.

"I suppose you don't like that." Another lady comments.

"No, I don't. But trust me, I'll. e making sure it doesn't last long." She smiles wickedly. As they go quiet, I take this time to bring them back their tea and coffe, pretending like I need heard a word.

"Here you go." I say as I hand them each their cups. They smile and nod politely.

"Let's see if you got it right this time." Mrs Kennedy comments as she holds the mug up to her mouth. I stand and wait anxiously as she takes a sip. She nods.

"I'm impressed." She says. I let out a sigh of relief.

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