Chapter 32

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James's POV

After listening to my mother rant, I headed to my room, and checked the time every five minutes until Riley's shift was over. Than I called her. After two rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice says.

"Hey Riles." I speak into the phone.

"Oh, hey James." She says.

"So, my family has been bugging me a lot, and they want you to come over for supper sometime. Can you come tomorrow night maybe?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm not working so that can work out." She says.

"Okay great." I say happily.

"Um, I got to go now but maybe I'll talk to you later." She tells.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up tomorrow." I say.

"Okay, bye." She says, and than hangs up.


Riley's POV

I get up the next morning, surprisingly earlier than usual, so I decided to actually eat this morning.

I only ate half of what I made, no surprise. I had just put my plate in the sink when dad came into the kitchen.

"Someone's up early this morning, eh?" He comments.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course." I say a little to quickly. I grab my bag and head for the door.

"Slow down there!" Dad says. "You are up and ready earlier than usual. I'm sure James isn't here yet."

Just as he finishes his sentence, I hear a car horn in the driveway, indicating that James was there and waiting. I chuckle at dad's surprised face.

"Bye dad." I say, giving him a quick hug, and than I'm out the door.


James's POV

As I walk into school with my girlfriend at my side, I clearly notice the usually looks of surprise and jealousy from the gawking girls in the halls when I get a new girlfriend. And hear the whispering, muttering very impolite things, usually along the lines of "seriously, he goes for that girl?" or "he can so do better than that." The usual stuff.

As we walk down the hall, I see West, eyeing me and Riley, my hand on her back. He smirks, and makes a kissy face.

I think back to what he told me Saturday night, about my reputation and how if I don't treat Riley like I treated all my other girlfriends, it will be ruined. Coming to the conclusion that I didn't want that, I do what I had to do.

I slowly move my hand down Riley's back. Lower, and lower and than I slip my hand in her jeans back pocket. She flinches and squirms. She glances up at me, but I pretend not to notice that I made her utterly uncomfortable.

We reach her lockers and than I remove my hand.

"So, what do you have first period babe?" I ask, knowing that after a discussion Saturday night at her her house that she doesn't like to be called that. But every other girl I dated did.

"I told you already, I don't like to be called that." She says through gritted teeth. I smirk.

"C'mon, I know you love it." I say playfully, gripping onto her hips.

"James, knock it off." She says firmly, trying to brush my hands off of her. I smirk at her, moving my hands to the location that they were before.

"And I know you love this too." I say.

"Don't touch me like that!" She says quiet loudly, ripping my hands away from her. I bite my lip, as I scan the hallways. I know I made her uncomfortable, something that I didn't want to do, and something I felt unbearably sorry and guilty about. But at the same time, people had stopped and stared at me, waiting for my response.

"God, grow up!" I yell at her. This answer seems to satisfy the lookers, as they continue to carry on with their day.

Riley on the other hand, looks very hurt. She slowly backs away from me and walks away.

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