Chapter 87

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James's POV

"Where are we going?" Riley asked, the first normal sounding thing she said since she got in the truck.

"Home." I reply. She starts laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"Dad isn't going to be happy with me." She giggles.

"Why?" I ask.

"I promised him I wouldn't drink and I did." She laughs. "Did you promise your parents that too?"

Just great! I can't take her home drunk of course! Her dad with kill her when he realizes that she's loaded. No, he'll kill me because I let her out of my sight and also let her have the sip of beer in the first place!

"Um, actually we're going to my house." I say quickly.

"But your mom don't like me, silly!" She says.

"Yeah but you need to come to my house. Okay?" I say.

"Okay!" She says happily. In another ten minutes, Riley was asleep. And in another five, we were at my house.

"Okay now." I say to myself. I get out and go to her side of the truck. I unbuckle her, and pick her up because she's very light. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist while I hold her by her waist. As soon as I get in the house, I'm confronted by Jessica.

"What's wrong with her?" She asks.

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask.

"At a friend's house now answer my question." She says firmly.

"West got her loaded drunk and I couldn't take her home because her dad would be mad so I brought her here." I reply. She rolls her eyes.

"Smart move." She mutters before walking away.


I walk to my room and lay Riley down on the bed. Then I had to call her dad.

"Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Hi Mr Marin. I was just letting you know that Riley is staying at my place tonight." I say quickly.

"Okay but why?" He inquires.

"Well, Riley was really tired and the house where the party was is closer to my house, and I don't want to be driving very late at night." I lie. But he buys it.

"Okay, goodnight James." He replies.

"Night sir." I respond. I sigh in relief as I hang up the phone. Than I look at Riley who was just waking up again.

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