Chapter 58

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Riley's POV

"James stop!" I giggle as he starts kissing down my neck. "It tickles!"

"No." He mumbles.

"You're going to be in for it if my dad see's you." I laugh.

"Okay that's a tie breaker." He sighs, getting off of me and lying by my side. We both lie in our backs, our hand intertwined. I look at him and smile as I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

"So have you've been thinking about going with your sister?" He asks.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Have you come to a conclusion yet?" He asks. I sigh.

"Yeah." I mumble. A look of worry and fear clouds his face.

"And?" he inquires. I turn to him and smile.

"I think I'm going to stay." I tell him. A wide smile spreads on his face.

"Riles that's great!" He cries, hugging me tight.

"Well I couldn't leave you could I?" I giggle.


"We should go camping this weekend." James says. I give him an odd look.

"Camping? Really?" I laugh.

"Yeah really." He replies.

"With who?" I ask.

"Just you and me." He says.

"And where are we going camping to?" I ask.

"I'll figure something out." He smirks.

"Oh my God." I laugh.

"I'm serious though. We should go camping." He persists.

"When?" I ask.

"Friday night." He replies.

"Alright, if you want to go camping, than we'll go camping." I agree.

"Really? You're actually willing to go?" He questions.

"Yeah why not?" I ask.

"I always wanted to go camping but all my other girlfriends would say it was too dirty or gross." He laughs.

"Well I'm not like all your other girlfriends, am I?" I say, leaning in.

"No. You're better." He replies, filling the gap between us.

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