Chapter 23

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Riley's POV

I trudged into the house, in a daze.

Despite what started out with thought that I was going to be murdered, tonight was pretty good.

"I'm home." I call out.

I hear footsteps racing down the stairs, more energetic than my father. I'm confused for a second, until I see who it was.

"Em!" I squeal.

"Ri!" She squeals back. I rush into her arms, squeezing her tight.

Emily is my older sister. She insisted on staying back when we moved here since she's university and has a good side job. I don't see her very often, so this is another surprise tonight.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? When did you get here? How long are you staying?" I ramble on. She chuckles.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, I got here a couple hours ago, and for a couple weeks." She tells me, taking a seat on the couch.

"Yeah, it was a surprise for me too." Dad says, walking in on us. I sit alongside my sister.

"So, how's school going?" She asks.

"Good so far." I reply. She smirks.

"Any boyfriends yet?" She asks. I blush.

"No." I lie. She laughs.

"You're blushing!" She says like a child. Then dad gets into it.

"No? Then who's the boy that you're always talking about, brings you back and forth to school and I always see you kissing out in his truck?" He laughs. "James, is it?"

"Dad!" I shriek.

"James?" Emily coos.

"You only seen us kiss in his truck once, and that was a weird night." I grumble.

"And tonight." He says. I blush even more.

"And Riley, who's sweater are you wearing?" Emily asks.

I look down at myself and notice that I still got James's green sweater, which is huge on me. The two laugh hysterically.

"You all should mind your own buisness!" I snap, and stomp away.

"C'mon Ri, we were just having fun!" Emily calls out.


James's POV

I walk into my house, and is almost immediatly confronted by my mother.

"Where have you've been?" She asks.

"Out with Riley." I say. She wrinkles her nose.

"Isn't that the girl that you went to the party to last Friday?" She asks.

"Yeah, that's her." I reply.

"So, what's on the go between you two?" She asks.

"Well..." I trail off.

"James, I'm your mother. You can tell me." She says.

"We're dating." I say shyly.

"Oh, well maybe you should bring her here to meet us some time." She says. I freeze.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" She asks.

Well, probably because I told Riley I'm just your average teenager with parents who make enough money to just make ends meet, not someone who lives in a freaking mansion and has cooks and maids!

"Well, I guess I can get Riley to come over sometime." I say slowly.

"Perfect! Just let me know when so I can get one of the cooks to make something special!" She gushes.

"Um, why don't you cook something?" I ask awkwardly. She bursts into laughter.

"James dear, we pay cooks to make us food, not to make it ourselves." She laughs.

I shrug it off and head up to my room.

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