Chapter 105

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James's POV

Riley's dad and I took a seat at the table as Riley came out, serving our supper to us. I smiled to myself as watched her, thinking of how nice it would be to be able to watch this every day at supper time, Riley as my wife serving me supper with her beautiful smile. She finally put her own bowl at her spot and sat down.

"So, have a good weekend Riley?" Mr Marin asked, taking a fork of spaghetti.

"Yeah." Riley replied.

"How was the movie you and James watched last night at the hotel?" He asked. I froze as I slowly turned to look at Riley.

"Oh, it was good." Riley replied enthusiastically.

"I thought James said you fell asleep during it." Her father says, eyeing the both of us suspiciously.

"Yeah, but what I seen before I fell asleep was good. Me and James already seen it before together though so I knew that it was good." Riley replies smoothly.

"Oh, I see." Her father finally replies calmly, sounding somewhat relieved.


"So, what are you two doing this weekend? Any plans?" Riley's dad asked us further into the supper.

"Prom's Friday night, but we're not going." I tell him.

"Oh, why not?" He asks, directing the question at Riley.

"I don't have a dress for one." Riley mutters.

"Well I'm sure you can go buy a prom dress." He replies laughing lightly.

"With what money?" Riley asks, raising her voice. Neither I nor her father responded, just stared at her.

"I'm finished." She muttered, getting up from the table and running up to her room. I stood up, about to go after her when Mr Marin grabbed my arm.

"Let her be. Just let her be alone for a bit. She probably needs it right now." He tells me.

"Yeah, you're right." I sigh.

"Care to help me with the dishes?" He asks with a chuckle. I smile sheepishly.

"Yeah." I reply and started clearing off the table.


"You're all Riley talks about." Mr Marin tells me as I tried off a bowl.

"Oh, I am?" I ask, although I'm not that surprised. He nods.

"All I ever hear is James this, James that." He chuckles.

"Sorry about that." I chuckle.

"I don't mind. It's good to know that she has somebody who loves her and that she can always depend on to be there for her." He replies, washing a glass.

"Yeah, yeah...Of course..." I mumble.

Spending time with Riley's dad and chatting with him made me realize what a great guy and dad he is. He just wants to best for his family. He just wants Riley to be happy. And he thinks that he achieved that with me dating Riley. Because I make her happy.

But after Friday night, he will just hate me like Riley will.

Mr Marin handed me the glass and I started drying it, when I heard someone walking up behind us. I glanced over my shoulder and seen Riley standing there.

"Hi Riles." I say casually and continue drying the glass.

"Hi." She says quietly. I hear her walk closer and than I feel her chin leaning on my shoulder from behind.

The three of us were totally quiet, Riley's dad and I doing the dishes as Riley watched.

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