Chapter 22

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Riley's POV

I look up at James. He opens the tailgate of the truck and climbs up. In his hand, he is holding a blanket. He spreads the blanket out and sits down.

"Come here." He says surprisingly sweetly.

"What are you going to do to me?" I choke out. He laughs.

"Nothing, just come here." He says. I slowly and cautiously shift over to him. He lies down, but I stay sitting up.

"Aren't you going to lie down?" He asks. I nod a little and slowly lie down, as he puts an arm around me.

"I come here sometimes, when I want to get away from everything." He tells me. "In the city, you can't see the stars as well, but you can see them perfectly here."

He leans over and kisses my temple. I was breathing a little heavy, I mean, can you blame?

"So, you never brought me out here to murder me?" I ask. He bursts into a fit of laughter.

"You're joking right?" He laughs. "You actually thought I was going to murder you or something?"

"Yeah! You wouldn't tell us where we were going, and you were acting so weird!" I snapped, shoving him a little.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He says innocently. "So, was it a surprise?"

"What part? When I thought you were going to kill me, or when I realized you weren't?" I snapped. He chuckles.

"The second one I guess." He replies.
"Then, yes, it was a surprise." I grumble. He pulls me into his arms.

"Mission accomplished." He says. I sigh and cuddle into him.

I am still wearing his sweater, which is warm, and smells like him.

He repeatedly kisses my forehead, telling me softly how beautiful I am in between the kisses. I stop him, and reach up to kiss his lips. He smile as I pulled away.

"You're mine." He whispers, running a hand through my hair. I nod a little.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I whisper back.


Me and James cuddled and talked for what was probaly hours. It was cold out, but I was warm in James's arms.

"I'm tired." I tell him.

"Go to sleep." He says.

"I can't just go to sleep here." I giggle.

"Do you want me to bring you back?"

"Yeah, I think so."

We climb out of the back and get into the truck.

"Why don't you sleep on the way back." James suggests.

"Yeah, good idea." I reply as I yawn.


"Babe, you can wake up now." I voice whispers in my ear. I groan and slowly open my eyes to see James infront of me.

"Are we back yet?" I yawn.

"Yeah." He replies. I stretch out and look out the window and see my house.

"I'll see you later." I tell him.

"Alright." He says, leaning for a kiss. I oblige and kiss him.

"Oh, and thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack!" I joke, giving him a light hit on the arm. He chuckles.

"Goodnight." He says. I get out of the truck.

"Oh, sorry, your sweater." I say quickly, about to take it off.

"No, keep it." He says. "It looks hot on you."

I smile, give him one more kiss, and go inside.

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