Chaptet 2

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James's POV

I walk away from the new girl, fuming. I don't even know her name. I mean, it's not like I really like her. She's kind of plain looking but also seems pretty nerdy and no girl's worth that attitude. And besides, why waste my time trying to get one girl to like me when I have like, thirty at my finger tips who would kill to go out with me?

"Okay class, take your seats!" The teacher, Mrs Brooks calls out as she enters. She scans the room.

"Oh, you must be my new student." She exclaims, turning towards...Whatever her name is. "Why don't you partner up with James?" Mrs Brooks says, motioning towards me.

I freeze. There is no way I'm going to partner up with her. The girl slowly picks up her books and takes the seat beside me. I glare at her.

"Alright, do all the questions on pages twenty five. If not finished, they're assigned for homework." Mrs Brooks calls out. I open my book and start working, not bothering to speak to the girl beside me. Until,

"I'm Riley, by the way." She says softly.

"And what does that mean to me?" I mutter.

"I don't know, I just thought I should tell you." She says quietly.

End of conversation.

Riley's POV

This James guy really is a total jerk. I take a glance at him, and see him flirting with some brunette sitting near him. I let out a small pathetic laugh, which I thought nobody would hear. I was wrong.

"What?" James snaps. I shrug.

"I never said anything." I mumble.

"You laughed." He growls.

"What, I'm not allowed to?" I mutter.

"You were laughing at me, I know you were!" He growls.

"So what if I was?" I snap.

"What's your problem with me anyways?!"

"Nothing, I just know your type." I mumble.

"What do you mean 'my type'?"

"You're a player." I say. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but you obviouy don't know who you're messing with! So I suggest you shut your mouth, or I'm going to make you regret it!" He seethes. Every ounce of confidence that I seemed to have in me moments ago vanish. I never talk like that to people. I just slump in my seat and stay quiet for the rest of class.

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