Chapter 104

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Riley's POV

Me and James grabbed breakfast at the buffet at our hotel, and at the small diner we got dinner, and now we're almost home.

"You can stay for supper if you want." I tell James as he took the last turn to my house.

"Um, yeah, maybe I will." He replies, pulling into my driveway. It was dark out by now, but it was a clear night.

We get out of the truck and I grab my bag from the back seat. James took my hand as we walked into the house.

"We're back!" I call out.

"In in here!" Dad replies from the kitchen. I run into the kitchen and give dad a big hug.

"A little strong there Riley." He chuckles.

"Think how I feel." James tells him. I giggle and release my dad from my strong grip.

"James is staying for supper, is that okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. I was about to cook something but I'm not sure what." He replies.

"I'll make something." I tell him, getting a pot from the cupboard and filling it with water, and than put it to boil.

"What are you making?" James asks me.

"Spaghetti." I reply.

"Need any help?" He asks.

"No, I think I got it." I reply.

"Let me know if you need any help." He says and than goes into the living room with my dad.

James's POV

I enter the living room, where Riley's father was sitting in one of the old recliners. I take a seat in another chair, making myself comfortable.

"How was your weekend with Riley?" He asks.

"Uh, it was good. It was nice to spend some time with her." I reply.

"So, what did you do in the hotel room last night?" He suddenly asks.

"Um, we got ready for bed and watched a movie." I lie.

"That's it?" He asks.

"Yes sir." I reply.

"How was the movie?" He asks.

"It was good, actually. Riley fell asleep twenty minutes into the movie though." I lie once again.

"Okay." He sighs and turns back to his book. It was quite awkward, so I was more than happy when Riley popped her head in.

"Hey James, can you set the table for me?" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah sure." I reply, hopping up and following her back into the kitchen.

"The placemats are there, the plates there, and the flatware is there." Riley tells me, pointing to each cupboard and drawer.

"Okay thanks." I reply as I start to dig everything out. I set the table and than joined Riley by the stove, wrapping my arms around her.

"What?" She asks, giggling as I squeezed her tight.

"Nothing, just felt like hugging you." I reply as I let her go and lean against the counter.

"Hey, can you tell my dad that supper's ready?" She asks me.

"Yeah, be right back." I reply, going back into the living room.

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