Chapter 72

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Riley's POV

James drops me off at the mall, but I told him I'd find my own way back.

"And for the last time, you don't have to get me anything." James sighs.

"Don't be surprised when I have a gift for you tomorrow." I giggle happily.

"Riley..." He sighs. I kiss his cheek.

"I'm get you something, no objections, now bye." I say and hop out of the truck. I scurry into the mall and out of the snow.

"Now, where to start." I mumble to myself.


James's POV

After dropping Riley off at the mall, I head home with my gift for her. The only problem now was that I had to wrap it.

I lay the box down on my bed and stare at it.

I could ask my mom to wrap it, but she's to busy, and she'll refuse if she knew it was for Riley. I guess I'll have to do it myself.

I start wrapping it, taping it in random places, adding bows wherever the unevenly wrapped paper never reached.

"There!" I say triumphantly,smiling at my masterpiece.

"Hey James I...What the heck is that?" My sister Jessica asks horrified.

"My gift for Riley." I explain proudly.

"And you plan on giving it to her wrapped like that?" She asks.

"Yup!" I reply.

"Um, no. I'm not letting you give Riley a gift wrapped like that." She says.

"Why not? I thought it was pretty good." I say defensively.

"It's a mound of wrapping paper, tape and ribbon! I got to fix it." She says. She unwraps the gift and looks at it.

"Wow." She says, turning the gift over in her hands.

"What?" I inquire.

"Nothing, it's just that this is really expensive. You really must love Riley." She says and begins cutting the wrapping paper.

"Why do everyone say I love her?!" I snarl.

"Oh please James. You can see it in your eyes, the way you act, the way you talk to her. It's obvious." She snorts.

"Whatever." I mutter. I stare as she works her magic on the gift, carefully wrapping and taping it. She adds a bow on it and than it's done.

"Here." She says. "I'm sure she'll love it."

"Thanks." I say smiling.


Riley's POV

"You know it's real luck for you to get this." The man says, handing me James's gift.

"Yes, it is." I sigh, smiling at the gift.

"Well, have a Merry Christmas." He says.

"Thanks, and the same to you." I reply. I smile down at my purchases, and was now able to officially call my shopping tasks as completed. Now I just needed to head home and wrap.

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