Chapter 7

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James's POV

Me and Riley sit across from each other.

"So, tell me about yourself." I say, trying to act as if I'm actually interested in her life.

"What do you want to know?" She asks, taking a sip of her tea.

"I don't know, tell me about your life." I persist. She bites her lip and pauses.

"Well, my mother died of cancer when I was ten, so I live with my father. Ever since my mom died, my dad started to act different, and isolated himself from everyone. He refused to go to work, but it got so bad that I had to find ways to make money to pay off the bills that were piling up. That kind of shocked him back to reality, but he still wasn't the same. He lost his job, and he couldn't find work anywhere else. He was working two small jobs, and he still could barely make enough to make ends meet. I, um, had to take up an actual job at the local store to pay for anything I wanted. Clothes, makeup, whatever I wanted for myself, I had to pay with the money I made. I never really had time for friends because I was either working or studying. I got teased a lot because I had a job, you know, people calling me poor and stuff. When dad heard about a job here, he took the opportunity and spent most of our savings to move us here. I thought that my life would go somewhat back to normal, and I wouldn't have to work, and have a fresh start. But when we got here, dad found out that he never got the job, and now he's taking up small jobs again, and I'm here working at the coffee shop to pay my own way again." She tells me.

I felt guilt rise in me. When I mentally critized her outfit, calling her poor. Making her buy her own tea. I just felt bad about the way I treated her ever since I saw her.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly says, wiping away a tear. "I don't even know you, and I just told you all that. I mean, you don't care about me and my problems."

"No, no, it's fine. I care." I say softly, smiling a little at her. She smiles a little back.

"So, how about you? What's your story?" She asks.

I pause for a minute to think. How am I supposed to tell her about my stinking rich parents and my life where I'll probaly never have to work a day in my life, after hearing what she just told me?

"Well, my parents own a very, very small business. And they also work a second job each." I partially lie. "I have a little brother and older sister too. And I'm also captain of the football team."

"Yeah, I seen your picture in that glass case at school." She says. "Athlete of the year, huh?"

"Yeah, three years in a row." I say proudly. She smiles a little and leans back.

"Impressive." She replies.

"You play any sports?" I ask. I notice her tense up.

"Um, no. I never have the time or the..."

"Money?" I cut in. I instantly regret saying it, but she doesn't seem to mind. She just nods.

"Yeah, that." She says.

We came deep in conversation, talking for hours, constantly getting refills on coffee, but this time I paid. I came to get to know her a little better too. Everytime I would tell a joke, she would laugh. She had a cute laugh.

I found myself constantly staring at her lips.

I bet she's a good kisser. I thought to myself, but instantly stop that thought. This date is only a dare. I don't like Riley like that. Or at all.

I finally notice that were the only ones left in the shop. I check the time, only to find out that it's almost eleven to clock.

"Wow, it's late." I say, showing Riley the time on my phone. Her eyes widen.

"Wow, I guess we should get going." She giggles. We stand up and head towards the door. Without hesitating, I put my hand around Riley's waist. She flinches, but then relaxes. We walk outside and stand by my truck.

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask her, almost wanting to spend even more time with her. She smiles a little, but shakes her head.

"No, but thanks anyway."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, but thanks for tonight." She says sweetly.

"Yeah, no problem." We stare at each other for a little longer, until she says,

"Well, I guess this is goodnight."

"Yeah, goodnight." I say, but I still stare at her. I put my hand on her neck, and find myself leaning in closer. I close my eyes, and keep leaning in, until I feel my lips on hers. She hesitates, but then kisses back.

Wow, she is a good kisser!

Riley's POV

I didn't know anything, until James kisses me.

My first kiss.

With James! James, the jerk, the player who will do anything to make sure there's a line of girls trailing behind him.

I don't like him, whatsoever, but for some reason, I find myself kissing back.

And I'm actually enjoying it.

The BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora