Chapter 90

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Riley's POV

I glanced back as I watched James pull out of my driveway and leave before I walk into my own house.

"I'm back!" I call out.

"In here!" Dad replies from the living room. I walk into the living room and take a seat on a chair. Dad sat in his old recliner with a cup of tea and a book.

"How was the party?" He asks, setting his book down.

"Good." I reply, fidgeting with a loose thread of chair's stitching.

"Were you drinking?" He asks. I tense up before replying with a 'no'.

"Was James?" He asks.

"He had a beer." I tell him.

"Are you sure you weren't drinking last night?" He asks again.

"No, of course not." I reply shakily.

"Don't lie to me Riley." He says sternly.

"I-I didn't drink." I stammer.

"Riley." He says sternly. His eyes never left mine as he stared at me, his eyes burning.

"I may have gotten drunk." I say slowly. His face turned red in anger, and I knew I was in for it.

"You're grounded for lying to me and for going out and drinking after I told you not to!" He announces.

"But dad!" I start.

"No! Your grounded. You can only go to school and work, and absolutely no James for the rest of the week!" He yells.

"Okay, but just know that James had nothing to do with me getting drunk. He told me not to drink but I left him and started to drink anyway. So don't blame him." I sigh. He takes it all in for a minute before nodding.

"Okay, but you are still grounded." He says firmly.

"Okay." I finally reply, accepting my punishment. I sit up from the chair and go up to my room, otherwise now known as my prison room for te rest of the week.

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