Chaptet 109

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James's POV

Today was Friday. Day of the prom. The teachers had meetings today, meaning that us students had a PD day, so it worked out pretty well. Everyone could spend the day getting ready for tonight.

I wake up nice and early, earlier than I would normally wake up if we had a day off. I get dressed in record time and than head down to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.

After stuffing a hearty breakfast down, I grab my keys and head out the door.

It was a quick drive from my house to the shop. But as stupid as it might sound, I couldn't help but feel excited. I couldn't wait to see Riley's face.

I parked my truck in the parking spot closest to the entrance. It was early, so nobody was here yet. I climbed up the two steps and opened the door to the shop and stepped in.

The familiar sight of last week came into sight. The plush chairs by the dressing rooms. The racks of sequinned shoes. And the dresses.

"Hello, may I help you?" A worker asks kindly.

"Uh, no, I don't think so. I'm actually looking for a dress that my girlfriend had on last week. I'm going to by it for her for our prom." I explain.

"Oh, when is your prom?" She asks.

"Tonight." I reply slowly. She looked shocked.

"Tonight? Are you sure that this certain dress fits? I mean, it's to late for it to be altered and-"

"No, she already had it on. It's perfect on her." I reply. I sign thinking of Riley. Everything about her is perfect...And I'm going to lose that.

"Okay well go look for the dress, and let me know if you need any help." She says and than walks off.

I go through countless number of dress racks, looking for that one dress. The fear of someone after buying it overwhelmed me. But after lots of digging, I finally found it. I smiled at the dress, imagining Riley in it once again before I carried it to the cash.

"No refunds or exchanges." The cashier tells me.

"Yeah, I know." I reply, fishing out my wallet.

"That will come to $350." The girl tells me.

"Okay." I sigh, as I swipe my bank card. It goes through, and than the cashier puts it in a dress bag.

"Here you are. Have fun at prom." She says kindly as I grab the bag and head out the door.

Next stop, the flower shop to buy a bouquet of three dozen roses. Nothing but the best for my girl.


I smiled proudly at the contents in the passenger seat as I drove to Riley's. I turned into the driveway, hopped out of my side and went to the passenger side and grabbed the dress, flowers and an envelope containing the tickets to prom. I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door, anticipating the look on Riley's face when she see's me.

I knocked on the door three times before I hear foot steps nearing closer. I try to hold back my excited smile when the doors opens and I'm face to face with Riley.

"Good morning Riley." I say sweetly.

"Um, hey. What are you doing here this early?" She asks.

"Well, I really needed to ask you something really important." I say.

"Okay, what is it?" She ask. I smile broadly at her, before reaching beside me and grab the dress, flowers and envelop.

"Will you go to prom with me?" I ask, smiling at her. Her eyes widen, taking in everything.

"James..." She says. She covers her mouth with her hand as tears slowly stream down her face.

"So, is that a yes or no?" I ask.

"It's a yes." She says, smiling as she wipes a tear away.

"Good, because I can't take this dress back." I chuckle. She laughs a little, taking the flowers.

"They're beautiful." I comments.

"But not as beautiful as you will look tonight." I say. She smiles a little.

"Get ready and I'll see you at seven thirty." I tell her.

"Thank you." She says softly. I give her a small hug and kiss her forehead.

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