Chapter 1

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                                 BOOK 1

                           WHO YOU ARE?
Jennie pov:

Hi, i'm jennie kim, I'm the daughter of enwoo. I said as gasps and whispers filed the room, even though they were whispering i could clearly hear what they where saying about me.

????: "omg! She's mr enwoo's daughter"

???: "He's the richest man in seoul"

???: She's probbebly so rich she's probbebly a spoiled brat"

I hated when people called me that i may come from a family with money but i am not a spoiled brat i'm greatful for what i have. My thoughts were inturruped by the teacher.
Mrs johnsen: *snaps her fingers* "jennie honey you can go to your seat now"

Jennie: "Oh! Sorry miss i was thinking about something... ummm.... where do i sit?".

Mrs johnsen: "umm... take a seat next to namjoon in the back darling" she says

I nod and walk through to get to the back while i hear the whispers pileing up again i ignore them and get to my seat.
I sat next to this guy he looked very tall, even if he was sittting down, he was wearing white shirt, with a green jacket, he looked my age but i did'ent know yet, he was wearing glasses but there was something off about them, ias i looked at them closer i realized they were taped from the middle part, they looked broken.

I did'ent to say anything so i just kept quite.

*Time skip*

The bell rang, and everyone was so releved to be going home, they all where packing there things and leaving one by one, me and namjoon got up at the same time, he looked at me i just smiled at him. He smiled back and left. I was standing there alone, after leaving the classroom i saw a horrific sight those girls who i saw in the morning gossiping about me, when phyicly abusing namjoon.
I felt horrible they were pushing him, calling him names, and even taking his drawings from him and taering them. I could'ent just not do anything so i went near them and shouted
They all tured to look at me with angery expression on there faces. The girl in the middle said "well well if it is'ent the new girl" i just looked at her with a stright face
As she said " i heard your father is the richest man is seoul" i raised my eyebrows and said " so what" she chuckeled and said " so why are you protceting him, he's poor he's just studing here on a scolership"
I was shocked and said " well even if he's not wealthey like all of us he still deserves to be treated with respect hes a human" i said and looked at him he looked very scared i looked at the girls with an offended face and said " if you do not stop bulling him your all gonna be out of this school" i said scaring them.

I looked a namjoon and took him with me and left.

Namjoon " t- t- t- Thanks"

Jennie: " for what" i said looking him

Namjoon: " for saving me noone has ever stood up for me like that before" he said looking at me then looking down

I said " well now that i'm your friend no one is going to bother you" i said placing my hand on this shoulder
He smiled while looking down.

Jennie: "so i can drop you home if you would like"
Namjoon: " oh... no thanks i would'ent want you to know where i live"

Jennie : " what do you mean where do you live"

Namjoon:" sighs, in a barn in one room,
He said looking ashamed.
I was shocked
Jennie: " In a barn, are your parents farmers.

Namjoon looked down again this time looking sad and said: " No my parents are dead"

I felt so guilty for asking

Jennie:"I'm so sorry"

Namjoon: it's okay

Then i got an idea
Jennie: " wait here for 2 mins i'll be right back"
I said as i ran away leaving namjoon there.

Time skip

After 5 mins i came back and saw namjoon there waiting for me i went up to him and said" alright come with me"
He looked confused but did'ent say anything, we walked up to the student dorm area. We walked to the theird door on the right side, and i hand namjoon the keys he was hesitent but eventually he opened the door.

He was so shocked to see a dorm, and the left side on it was decorated with his thing from his farm, like his books, his art supplies, his photos everthing was there. He looked at me in shook and said " W-W- who did this who payed for this?"
I said " Its for all your hard work"
He looked so happy and said" Thank you so much how can i ever repay you"
I said " you don't have to all you have to do is be strong and kind and keep working hard"
He smiled at me and said" i promise to be all those things"
I smiled and left....

*time skip*

I was lying on my bed when suddenly i got a call i sat up and looked at the caller id "it raed "dad" so i picked up the call.


Jen's dad: hello sweetie

Jennie: hi dad

Jen's dad: how's my prinsess doing?

Jennie: i'm fine dad, just miss you and mom when are you coming you've been gone for 5 days on your beisness trip

Jen's dad: i'm sorry darling but we might not be able to see you this entire year, we have more work in london.

My heart broke, i never get to spend time with them.

Jennie: but my graduation is this year will you make it to that?

Jen's dad: i hope so.... but sweetie i have work right now i'll talk to you later, love you💓

Jennie: love you too dad....

Then he hung up

Jennie: Ugh! A whole mouth seriously, why am i always alone.

Then i got an idea

Time skip

I knoked on the door hopung namjoon was there and after a minete the door opened reveling a very tired looking namjoon.

Jennie : hey you hav'ent slep yet?

Namjoon: no, was working. What brings you here, and whats with the suitcase?

Jennie: well my perents won't be home for another 6 mounts so i did'ent want to be alone at home, so.... do u mind if we become roomates

Namjoon smiled and said "of course its the least i could do please come in" he said gesturing me to come in.

I came in kep my suitcase down and he said

"Welcome home roomie"

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