Chapter 29

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"Oh, Shit!" Hobi said through the phone to Jennie who was home alone that day as He had given her a holiday.

"What happened?" She asked

"I'll get out late tonight, and Lisa get's out at this time from work, i told everyone i would pick her up and walk with her because there are weird perverts at this time of night"

"Oh no big deal, I'll go get her!" Jennie said getting up.

"No, woman shouldn't be alone at this time"

At that moment the door opened of the house and jennie heard a voice from downstairs

"I'm back!"

It was Jake!

"Hold on, Jake's home I'll tell him"

"Oh okay good" then she hung up and went downstairs.

"Jake! Can you go pick Lisa from work."

Jennie stood on this last stair.

"Are you serious! I just got back should've told me too before!" Yup thats something he would say.

Jennie crossed her arms.

"You don't want her to be kidnapped by some handosome guy and then they fall inlove and he doesn't want anything in return because they love eachother and they will live happily ever after"

"Stop making things up that are unrealistic! Stop with that fanfiction brain!"

"Welp you never know" she shrugged her shoulders. Jungkook huffed.

"Fine" he said turning back towards the door and slaming it shut behind him.

Meanwhile Lisa was waiting outside her building waiting for Hoseok. But when he didn't come at the time she thought that he was busy so she decided to walk home by herself. Walking on the very empty street she noticed that there wasn't many people around and not that many cars were around. She felt a little unsafe but then again she had to show no fear that's what a knights duty is. The demons had been fairly quite around that time to higher grades only lower and middle grades showed up. So she wasn't worried because she could easily defeat anyone.

But not long after she reached the house. Standing outside it she didn't begin to climb the massive staircase thst leads up till the entrace off the house, she heard a noise from a bush behind her. She then remembered how there were weird people out at this time. Suddenly the person behind her finally came forward and Lisa without think straight or even looking at the person slammed her laptop bag to the side of thier face.

It was only when her bag was lowered down did she see the person she hit.

"Jungkook! I'm so sorry!"

Jungkook who had gone to pick her up was now standing there wide eyed.

"Are you hurt? I'm so sorry i thought someone had followed me!"

"Here i come to get you, and your first instinct is to slam your bag in my face"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were here.."

"Alright stop, if you keep apologizing i'll feel bad, just forget this ever happened"

"Come on!" He said going ahead of her as she followed behind. As they were climbing the stairs lisa said "Thank you Jake for coming to get me" with a sweet smile and he just replied "Its fine" Lisa giggled and they kkept walking but suddenly jake lightly hit his index nukle into the side of her.

"Ow!" She said holding her head. He finally just let an awkward smile as she also smiled at him and they walked back together.

"Guy! Big news!" Namjoon said walking into the door of the meeting room where they all were sitting.

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