Chapter- 21

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When getting ready that day, she couldn't forget the dream she had. It keep playing over and over in her head. The thing that struck her the most about the story was that each herrsher had thier own power and style although the herrshers that had two parts were praised, while the one's that were whole were neglected and locked up. She thought that she would never let that happen and no one will be locked up or neglected.

"Here you are" jisoo handed her the lance known as a abyess flower. As soon as ahe griped it she felt a serge of energy through her body and she felt connected to this weapon in some way like it was her own blood. "You're connected to it" jisoo said snaping her back to reality. "You're connected half you're soul in the herrsher connects you to this weapon" she smiled at her.

She could easily swing her sword so delicately yet weilding so much power. She moved like The wind was the only way to descibe her movement's she was so calm.

"Learning how to weild a sword is one thing but i use my power to use the wind to weild it" she contiued "If you wish to learn you must learn how to weild you're lance properly first then we can focus on you're power" jennie just nodded and raised her fists in front of her face. "I want to learn, To be like you Jisoo-sama" What she said surprised her because no had ever said anything that good to her specially with a sweet genuine smiled like hers.

"Y-you shouldn't be like me" she responded. Then she continued saying "I'm not very good compared to the others" scratching her left arm. "But i think you're great Jisoo-sama" she responded to her with a big smile again. This time she held her hand that was gripping her sword and said "Let's train, so we can be the best in the world" she slowly smiled back at her "Yeah. Let's do our best" she said and gave her a thumbs up.

After trainning they both went out to hang out. Jennie wanted to get to know Jisoo so they went to a cafe where they could talk.
"What's you're real name?" Jennie randomly asked her as she sipped on her drink. "Huh, why the sudden ask?" She put her coffee on the table. "Well, lalice told me that we all inherit the name of the previous ancestors, so that they're names live on. You apperently use you're real names and have cover up jobs to protect yourselves from being exposed to the General public" she finished.

"My real name is..."

She hesitated and turned her head to the left to think. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me" she said smiling at her sweetly again. "No... no.., i have to trust you" she said under her breath but jennie still heard it. "I'm not in any position to ask you about you're personal life and you don't need to trust me" she explained putting her hand on her chest.

"Ayzawa misaki"

She said out of the blue. "My real name" she said and finally looked up at her after not being able to the entire time. Jennie just smiled that she was able to trust her. "I'm in last year of Med school and i work as maid server in a maid cafe"


She suddenly flipped out. Jisoo asked her what was wrong because she was confused as to way she would have such a reaction. "I'm sorry, you work in a maid Cafe?" She asked as jisoo just looked down and nodded.That's when jennie realised she did something wrong. "Ah! I mean working as a maid is not erong i mean, its just..." trying to rephrase what she said cause she thought it was impolite of her to say that. "It's fine, really!" "It's just you get paid very less, well i didn't really need the money cause the crown paid for my med school so i just gave it to my grandma" "She's the only family i had..."

Jennie immediately felt bad for asking so she didn't want to ask anything further like what happened to her parents and why there is a had when she talks about her grandma. What happened to her?

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