Chapter 14

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That was the only thing he described the world with those two words only "darkness" and "pain" he always tought her never to go outside or trust anyone. She thought that it was because he cared about her that he said it. Her parents would often argue about it as her mom would always yell at her father for always telling her those dark words and not giving her freedom. Her father denied it and stated that he only was trying to protect her. But soon as she entered collage they had alot of business trips so she would often be alone at home, well after she met namjoon. Her father was the best father ever he would always spend time with her and her mother despite how tight work was for him he was a very kind man that every women in his company wanted him and envied his wife they tried to seduce him in any way that they could but her father was very humble and loyal to her wife and would kindly reject them. He was the perfect father and husband. He was standing infront of her in his business atire. "I came to see you right before my meeting in 20 minuets" he said which made way more sense to her considering that his work is always jammed and he never gets time too see her. "Are you glad to see me?" He asks "yes!, ofcourse i am" she answered with joy he lets out a chuckle "So, where do you wanna go? We can go for a walk or get ice-" he was stopped buy jennie's watch vibrating, she took a look at her wrist and he expression changed from joy to disapointment with fragments of anger she took at deep breath and looked at him " I'm sorry dad, not to day, i promised to meet up with some friends at this time, and it's important i might not be able to" she was cut off by her father "It's okay, i guess i'll be early to my meeting today" he said with a smile but i was not a very happy one. She returns his smile and gets inside her car the drivers seat starting the engine. Rolling down her windown to shoot one last look at her father before driving off.

"So, is this why you called me here?" She asked crossing her arms with a very suttle annoyed tone. She could'ent spend time with her father cause they had called her for special meeting at ' dango brigde' as she got there, Jungkook started complaining about how namjoon ruined his painting yet again, which led to a arguement among the two and everyone else. "Enough!" She yelled and it acoed through everyones ears as they turn to look at her fuming with anger she had lost her temper. She was yelling at them at the top of her lungs not careing that she was most likely gonna lose her voice the next day. They had never seen her yell like that, she was always kind and never really showed a way of anger, although she showed annoyence at very rare times the furry she was showing now was alot more then they expected out of her. She was still yelling with her eyes closed as she opened them to look at everyone she immediately stopped and turned away truning red in embarrassmentas she noticed all of thier gazes on her, everyone giving her a different look of either shock or confustion or just emotions they would never expect coming out of her.

"Uh-h i-i..."

Her apology made them all look at each other with confustion. It was only jungkook, namjoon and lisa. Since Yoongi could'ent make it since he had royal court duties and rosè and jimin were in busan with thier parents. So thier were only the three of them left, since they had to find the others who were Captured they asked jennie for help though to an extent jennie is a very good fighter she was very smart as studing in same collage as jungkook and namjoon. They asked her to help find them cause they knew the more they waited the more thier enime grow stronger and the more weak he was weaking the other holders.
"Why are you apologizing?"
Lisa asks after she exchanges looks wuth jungkook. "I-i- uh- had that outrage and-" she was about to finish when lisa cut her off "You don't have to apologize for that, we all have outrages and days where were mad, and we always yell at each other but.. we don't mind" she explained then turns to the other two "Right, Guys!?" "Yeah, yeah totally" they both answered at the same time. She then turned her head to look at her small figure, "It's okay to be mad and yell, and let it out" she said her voice was soft but she clearly heard it. Then the wind started flowing as the leaves on the trees began to move. As the wind hit her skin she remembered a memory from her childhood about her mother...

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