Chapter- 22

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Ayzawa was started to see her. "What are you doing here, you're supposed to be waiting on you're table?" Ayzawa asked confused as to how she even knew how to come back into the locker room which was attached to the locker room, where the girls change. So to prevent any one from seeing that, they hid the entrance to backstage.

"Feyris-san told me that i should go check on you?"

"Feyris-san, why

"She said something about, that you were upset because Usoui left?"

Ayzawa then hulted what she was doing. "What!, why would i be upset if that basterd left!" She shouted. Jennie was stunned she's never been so annoyed before. "I'm sorry, it's just i-" she was cut off by jisoo apologizing "no, no... i'm sorry"

"It's just..." she continued
"He always want to get close to me, and i let him because i'm scared that he'll tell everyone in collage that i'm a maid and it's..."

Jennie completed her answer. Jisoo just looked at her, by the sound of her voice it seemed like she'd been through the same thing. "My Parents were never home so i never told people that i was the kid of a mam who was one of the richest in the kingdom" "i didn't want anyone to know how bad of a father he was, so i had to protect his image and now i know why" her voice fell slow and soft during her last sentence. Jisoo felt bad for it and offered her a drink. She smiled at her and was about to take a sip of it when suddenly.

"Jen-nyah~ Did you check on Ay-nyah!"
Feyris ( cafe's owner ) bust through the door and made them both freeze.


Now she's been training with jisoo for a while now and has gotten the hand of her lance. Jisoo even tought her some wind skills but they were just basic ones till now. She has also been frequenting jisoo's maid cafè not entirely the reason to see her but to drink the performance coffee. She mostly bumps into jin and sometimes even goes with him or the other kights if there not busy.

Today while getting ready she thought about the day of when she was infected with herrsher corruption. Ever since she has to take the syrum every time she feels corruption in her body, she hates it but it's the only way she isn't corrupted. Then her mind went to her brother and how he saved her that day, after that she tried thanking him but he just said that he did what he had to and walked off.

"Good morning-onii-san" she said to her eldest brother as she saw him coming out of his room to go to breakfast. "Ah! Good morning jennie-chan" while walking together to breakfast she asked him about yoongi and why he's like that all the time but he just shrugged her off and told her that he must tell her himself if he wanted her to know. "He doesn't really want everyone to know about him does he" he just kept a straight face and kept walking as she looked at him blankly but knew there was nothing he could tell her, so she just kept walking till they reached the dinning room for breakfast.

She kept looking at him wriedly from time to time that he noticed it and finally asked: "Is there something on my face?" She was taken aback because she didn't expect him to rat her out like that. "No, it's just..." she paused trying to think of a reason "You're cheeks are cute" he was shocked and made the most 'really' face that she had ever seen in her life. Meng was slightly laughing but he covered his mouth with his hand to prevent him from laughing out loud.

Then there mum started laughing. that's when meng couldn't control his laughter and started laughing out loud. While Yoongi just face pulmed himself. The whole breakfast table that day was filled with laughing and giggles that he didn't enjoy.


That same day, she was returning to her room for the night when suddenly she heard the piano playing. It was a beautiful melody that was convaying the emotion of sadness with it. But she still was unsure who was playing it. Upon following the music she found the room where it was playing from. The door was slightly open for the sound to seep out of and that's when she saw that there was actually someone playing the piano, rather than it being hunted the reason she thought that she doesn't even know.

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