Chapter 25

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*knock knock*

"Come in!"
Hobi said as someone knocked on his office door at the end of the day.

"Sorry for intruding so late, but jake wanted me to give you this." It was jimin holding a bunch of documents that were jake's responsibly to trun them in this morning but that dude was a rebel and never did his work on time.

"Thanks, and please tell jake to do his work on time his fans are starting to worry why he's not uploading as much"

"I know, i try so hard but he's a bastard that does not listen to a single thing i say. I'm honestly worried about him to be honest"

"Don't worry about him loosing popularity and going downhill, he has people scramble on the carpets when he shows up"

"Yeah wonder if they would do it for me if they knew who i really was"

Hoseak chuckles "I actually don't know i mean girls would probbebly die to marry you back in your home town"

"Oh god! Dude you too stop pressuring me to get married thats all my parents want me to do but i'm not ready for something like that"

Jimin a bit forcefully bangs his hands on the table while hobi laughs which makes a pearl bracelet fall on the ground.

"Oh sorry!" Jimin picks up the bracelet and looks at it with a confused look.

A woman's bracelet? Why would he have something like that? Unless is he...

Before jimin would ask anything hobi snached the bracelet from his hand.

"Woah sorry man, i just picked it up."

"No, i'm sorry shouldn't have snatched it like that, this..."

He clenched it in his hand.

"It's very special to me... it was my mother's she passed away"

Hearing that jimin felt guilty for making him sadden the mood and tell him because he was normally like this he was very upbeat and happy person thats why everyone sighned to his company because he was amazing.

"I'm sorry for that."

"So to change the topic we're doing a barbecue today in a few hours to celebrate and relax after a busy weekend, you're coming right you've been working so much get some rest for once"

Hope just laughed

"Me and rest nah! Man..."

"Even jen won't come i swear you guys are workaholics!"

"Haha... well if i get everything done by time i'll swing by but i still have stuff to do"

"Yeah yeah whatever..."

Jimin was walking away mumbling when hobi called him.

"Aye! Have you done your weekly report?"

Jimin truned around to say.

"Yup! I just forgot it at my desk i'll go bring-"

Before he could finish jennie entered.

"Boss, sorry for being late i need to hand in my weekly report and jimin's weekly report he left it on his desk so i thought i would bring it before i clock out"

She puts the files on his desk and truns and sees jimin right next to her.

"Oh! What are you doing here?"

She stared at a confused but blank jimin that was slightly blushing.

"Hello! Earth to jimin!"

She snaped her fingers infront of him to get him back to where ever he was but he flinched and came back to reality.

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