Chapter- 10

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"You done yet" A familer voice behind her said, she tilled her head to the side still not facing him but so she can see his faint reflection in the window she was stareing out of

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"You done yet"
A familer voice behind her said, she tilled her head to the side still not facing him but so she can see his faint reflection in the window she was stareing out of. He stood there with his hands on his hips waiting for an answer from her. When she gave him no answer he sighed a came closer to her standing behind her and saying" you really should be grateful that they love you and are with you almost all the time, with my parents... he pauses as he looks down his vision gets blury. Jennie looks at him to his figure on the verge of breaking down as she slowly turns around and embraces him with a tight and warm hug. "W-w-what are you doing" his viced cracked in between speaking "I'm your family, well if you consider me" she said so softly as if she was whispering she breaks the hug and looks at him his head still down "I'm sure you're parents were increadble people" she paused and placed her two fingers under his chin and lifted it so his teary eyes could meet his. As a tear escaped his left eye she said "Concider me your sister" her voice cracked as her eyes teared up. She took a deep breath and let go of his chin, looking into his eyes one last time before disappering from his sight. You are my family, you're my younger sister he thought as he closed his eyes and smiled to himself.



His vice echoed through the room as everyone in the room adjusted there gaze to look at him "We'll never know who the last one is" "Maybe we"ll find more if you stop complaining and start reaserching" the prince's words were still as if he was scholding him in a way "Why dose the last air jewal be so diffecult to find" jimin wined again as earning a glare from yoongi once again. "The last air jewal was owned by prince hugo 20 years ago, but he soon died and so did his wife, and there children were never located or found" lisa explained while still flipping thruogh contents of the folder she holds "Ugh!, this is hopeless" jimin stands up pushing his chair back they've been searching for 3 days and have found no information about the last gem "he inhales and exhales and says" i'll be out getting some air if you need me" there was silence. As no one payed attention to his words as he took a deep breath again and walked out the door leaving them behind.
As walking through the streets of seoul, his gazes apuon the busy roads and traffic, he was never used to this in his home town there were not many people so he was never used to busy roads. As he walked through trying to find a place to sit down and eat he remembered the fimiler girl he danced with at lisa's ball although he thought he was inlove his brain denyed the thought, pictures of her face came to mind as he remembered her pale but tain skin, her dark black her, her eyes that he could get lost in and her bright pink cherry lips, she was beautiful. He smiled to herself as he remembered her name jennie

The only thing he regreted not asking her for was her wearabouts she did say she qas a student and lived in a dorm but thats all he ever really new, he wished he asked for her number or any contact information but he was to shy to do so. As he was walking down town and made his way through the crowd. "Jimin!" A voice yelled from the crowd as he looked behind him he saw jason coming into view coming out of the crowd he walked towards him "Long time no see, buddy" he said punching jimin's arm "y-y-yeah"

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