Chapter 18

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*Clack* *Clack*

The sound of her heels could only be heard as the princess walks along the castle hall from her chamber to the ceremonial hall. The kingdom had to take in the news of the kings death quite tragically, but they were overjoyed when they realised that there princess had returned, and they wished to crown her as quickly as they could. So now she walks along the hall. She finally reaches the door to the ceremonial hall she stands and waits outside until the trumps were heard calling her name, the doors open and there she is walking along the red carpet laid out. Everyone was mesmerized by her beauty she wore a floor length black gown that touched the floor and behind her flowed her stunning shear embroidered cape. Her hair was half tied up in a ponytail with a silver ribbon and the other half was down till her shoulders, but what cought everyones attention the most was her long dark gloves but they weren't normal satin gloves they were leather and had cuts were all the fingers are they gave her famine look a very sinister and eagdy aruma. As she reached the end of the hall she saw them her friends she smiled at them and they did too give her thumbs up and 'you can do it' looks. As she reaches the middle there was her family her two brothers and her mother , she looked taller that usual but it was probably because she was where mad high heels. Not as half the size of the ones she had on.

She knelt before the platform they were standing on her eyes closed. The queen opened a shinning black box with the royal family creast on it inside was the black jewal attached to a silver chain. As she walked towards her and bend down to her she still didn't open her eyes. The felt the neclace around her neck it was cold at first but then she got used to it. After the necklace was given a servent came in and lifted the tainted glass, since it was tinted no one could see through it and when the glass lifted everyone in the room gasped at the beauty of the tiara it couldn't compare to the princess beauty of course but it was exquisite. It was shaped like a regular tiara but what made it so special was that the jewals of the tiara where each different. The queen had it espicaly made with different jewals because they all repersented diffrent things. The crown was placed on her head gently and after that she did open her eyes as she stood up and turned to face her now subjects as the queen said "everyone you're princess" the whold crowd went wild to know that they actually had a princess now. After the applause her mother asked her to give a speech to her people to which she was totally unprepared for but she still gave it.

"My humble subjects, i know to you its overjoying to have you're princess return. But for me its overwhelming to have two big rolls as you're princess and as a protecter. But... it dosen't matter because i accept both of these rolls i may have been raised my someone else but beleive me when i say she tought me so much more that i ever knew. And i must day thank you all of you for coming and a would like for you all to thank these ten people here. They pledged there hearts to this kingdom they are the most loyal nights ever so i wish for you all to rely on them and on me because we will always save and protect you, thank you" she bowed and that was it. The ceremony was over and the ball had began. The hall had turned into people dancing, feasting and enjoying thier time despite it being broad daylight outside. Although jennie was good at talking to people she really didn't want to deal with talking to that many locals and wanted to be with her friends. While she was walking around looking for them a noble approched her. "You're grace" he bowed and so did she "I would like to introduce you to someone" she said as a tall man in a black suit that looked about her age came and grabbed her hand. "You're grace it's such an honour" he bowed to her and kissed her hand lightly. Then the noble suddenly spoke "This is my son jason and i've been looking for him to get married, but not to a commener, but to a princess" when he said that she knew what he mesnt so she was about to leave when suddenly...

"The princess had matters to attend to at this moment, good sir" it was yoongi he pushed her a bit to the side. Thry both bowed at him and he did as well. He difn't say anything to her but just singled her to go because he sensed that she felt uncomfortable. When she understood his gesture she just nodded and left. When made her way through trying to find them, when she bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry" she bowed apologising not looking st the persons face "It's alright" she heard that vouce it was very familer she looked at him "Hoseak!" He too noticed "Ah! Jennie-san" she giggled at his cute realisation. " i was looking for you guys, where is everyone?" She popped the question "Oh, the others lemme think, uh... jisoo-kun went with namjoon-kun to practice levitation outside, and i beleive the others went outside too" he said "But, then why didn't you go too?" She asked him "Uh... you're very scary brother came to me and told me to keep and eye on you" he admitted huh? Was all she thought why was he scared of him yeah he never smiled and always talked like and angrey person but she didn't his comrades where actually scared of him. Just as she thought that she looked across the hall and saw jason staring back at her when he saw her he smirked.

"Say hope..."


"Can we go meet up with the others?"

After a while of walking they finally made it to the gardens with her arm around his so that jason and some others would think something else and they could escape. "Here we are, hopefully he won't come out here" he said as she let go of his arm. "Lets go look for the others" just as they were about to go look they heard laughter and noises from the opposite side. "Dude you're worst wind magic user ever!" Jisoo said crossing her arms over her chest as namjoon failed yet again to even levitate an inch, while she reaged and was annoyed it made great entertainment as they laughed at every attempt he made. As he failed his latest attemp and the other lost it by laughing even harder than usual he gritted his teeth truned into a a giant towering above those who were laughing "This is all you're fault, you guys keep laughing at me just because- " he was cut off "Wow, wow chill joon" hoseak said emerging from the shadows. "Hope! Jen!" Rosie shouted raising her hand up so so they could see them. "Hey guys you came" jin said coming forward into the light. "Yeah" jennie said "but still them here dosen't change the fact that... ITS YOUR GUYS IS FAULT I STILL CAN'T FLY.!!!" he yelled with wind blowing everywhere blowong everyone back and to make matters worse jisoo just jumps into argue "OH YEAH WELL ...." as they keep arguing suddenly jennie states something truly shocking "Have you ever considered that he might have a different power that he just dosen't know yet or something" suddenly realisation slowly hit them as jisoo realises thst he never told her that his power was flying but then again she turned into twice his size and still started yelling at him and like last time he argued back.

Jin let out a sigh "Sometimes i wonder why i put up with these two" he said before going up to them and trying to resolve the argument but instead getting roped into it too. Thats when rosanne stepped in "These three arn't gonna resolve this on thier own let's just buring them inside where thier forced not to argue" the others just nodded and begain pushing them and pursuing them to go back inside while the others left for the back gate to exit the palace gardens, only jimin and jennie remined in the gardens just when jimin was about to walk back inside and when jennie was gonna walk away from him to explore the gardens he asked her "You're gonna go inside with the others?" "No, i would rather be out here awhile, but you go on ahead i'll be there soon" "How about i just go with you so you're not lonely" he flashed a cute smile at her at first she was a bit confused but then she smiled back at him. When she smiled he noticed something her face it was roind so small and her jawline could cut through wood thats how strong it looked her eyes were closed so he couldn't pear into them he admired every single one of her features until his gaze fell on her pink lips for the second time he felt the urge to kiss her but he refrined from it again. They only had met for a short time but no matter how much he dined it he did fall for her the frist day they met when a he was just a random strager to her asked her to dance he knew that it was
Love. At. First. Sight.

*snap* jennie snapped her fingers at him "Um.... are you okay..." she asked in a worried tone her once smiling face was now a worried face because he was in his own trance. "Yeah, i was just thinking about something" "Oh.... alright let's go on a walk then maybe you can forget about it." She said smiling and pulling him with her. Why did you say that? I would never want to forget never... even if i die i want to remember forever because thats what you are to me.

Walking along the gardens everywhere covered with green grass and diffrent color flowers all the way around there were many diffrent types of flowers diffrent shapes diffrent sizes and the scents we all remarkble as she closed her eyes to take in the beautiful aroma she inhsled then exhsled thst beautiful scent and when she opened her eyes she found herself infront of the flowers called jasmines. She slightly smiled at the sight of the beautiful white flowers swaying in the air as she gazed at them from a distance she noticed jimin came towards the flowers and kneeled infront of them. "Please don't trample the flowers" she said crossing her arms as jimin chuckled "Of course i'm not going to trample these flowers, but.... he paused while he picked a flower up he got up and came towards her. Why is he so close?!... he then proceeded to extend his hand with the flower indicating he wanted her to take it. She didn't know what to do he's never been that close before should i take it? What do i do? What do i say to him? Do i want to push him away? Thats when unexpected words came out of his mouth...

"To me, the jasmine's are the prettiest flowers"

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