Chapter 20

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As her friends left through the castle gates. Waving them goodbye, then standing there alone for a undisclosed period of time, Until she was snqpped out of her deep imagination.

"They have left already, they aren't gonna come back"

She turned to look at her brother who was waering that same cold, scary look in his eyes.
"You should return, You have to back to collage in a few days i presume" he said turning his back to her and walking away.
Thats when her oldest brother slid to her left side as she stared at him walking away with a blank expression. "Don't mind that bastard, he's always been this way" he said putting his arm around her. "I wish i could know what reason it is that makes him this way, then i could be close to him and finally understand his pain" she said looking at the path he took as he is no longer in sight and her expression turned of sadness and her brother let out a sigh "I wish i did too" he said slowly but loud enough for her to hear. His anwer was very surprising to her because she thought that he shared everything with his big brother. "He doesn't even share anything with you?" She question confused and he let out another sigh "I do know what he went through and thats what made him like this, he may not share anything with me but his team may know more" "His Team?" She questioned "Yeah his team, those guys" he raised his head to the gate as she looked she found the path her friends took back home. "Why don't you go back and change, its still early so i'll give you a tour of the castle myself" he said as he pionted his thumb to his face she smiled but them later said "But don't you have work?" "Nonsense, work ain't that important i always skipped most of it, including my worrior training mother and father always used to scold me for it" she said and let out a laugh but she didn't seem to be amused "Mang-onee-san" she said and he humed in response "Do you think i can fit in here?" She asked. He just smiled and said "You'll do fine" and gave her a thumbs up.

He was now showing her around the castle and introducing her to all the staff. But now they reached the training grounds. "Ah! I've seen this place before!" She shouted as memories came back to her about this place. "Yeah, wherever you came to the castle, you were always here" her brother said letting out a small laugh and she smiled at him. "I used to train out here too" he said suddenly.

"You're a knight too"

"No, i'm a major"

She was shocked she didn't know that piece of information until today at this moment. "Well then i should be adressing you as major mang" to that he just laughed and patted her head several times. "You don't need to call me that" "You are the same rank as me" as soon as she said that her eyes shot wide open as she couldn't process anything her as a major.
No no no that can't be right i'm not ready to have a higher rank than everyone else thier way more qualifed than me... how can i have a higher rank i haven't masters any of the elements or any of the foul legacy transformations at all.

"Mother apionted you as one" thats when she snapped back to reality. "But-" he cut her off "No buts we all knew this was the right position for you, and besides you're a fast learner and plus we won't be being bothered by any more demons for the time being..." the moment he said that she asked "wait... how do you know that.." "Ah!" He let out as his expression truned weird like he just got exposed of his secrets. She just looked at him blankly with and innocent face as he kept saying "I.. well ... i-" over and over playing the collar of his shirt. As he finally thought of an answer "Well you killed the most dangerous demon thats for sure, and he was the only one Lisa-san said was causing all the attacks so we should be fine for another few mouths"

"But what if another one is here in hiding and if we let our gaurd down-" she was cut of my namjoon who just entred the chat out of no where "We'll know if thiers anymore of them you just focus on training"
"Well look who it is, my long lost cousin" mang said "C'mon now, don't need to be that formal, long lost cousin" he snapped back. Thry both stared at each other with deadly looks in thier eyes for a very unsettling five minutes. For jennie she felt very in middle she thought to herself what do i do do they not like each other uhhh... i don't know what to do how do i defuse the situation, do i... oh God lord what do i do!!

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