Chapter 19

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"Are you seriously gonna do it?!" Hobi asked jennie as they all were walking down a castle hallway after the celebration was over. Just minute ago she was with jimin and he was handing her a flower when rosanne ran in and dared her to go and punch her older scary brother yoongi. Now they on the way to witness her do it.

"How can i prove that i'm his sister if i can't even do this, no matter how scary and strong he might be he's my sibling" she answered him. "That's the spirit jennie-chan, punch that runt in the face" jin siad raising his fists. "It's not necessary for you to do, just let it go" hobi said trying to convice her not to do it "Rosie was only kidding right?" Jimin said looking his sister who had pissed expression on her face "to be fair all of us are scared of him so at least she need to be the one to not be like us" she applied.

"To be honest, he is pretty scary just a glare from him makes me wanna die, i don't wish to know what he's like when he's angry" just as JK finished him sentence they all stopped dead in thier tracks. A dark figure standing in front of on of the balcony windows. The sun was seting he stood there in the shadows with his hands in his pockets. As soon as he cought gaze of them he moved out of the drakness and into the light where they could see them. 


She steeped forward, All of them were practicly waiting for her to do it although they were terrified of the results. They all watched her as she was hesitating.

'I have to do it, i'll disappoint everyone if i don't ' she was close although she sarted breathing heavily with eyes full of fear, her chest heaved, her eyes shook she was conflicted. But she clinched both of her fists and raised them.


She ran towards him with a fist ready to puch him. But she was too short to hit his face and she didn't manage to punch his chest or his stomach. He somehow moved to the side in the neck of time so she only managed to punch his arm. As soon as she hit him everyone behind her let out a srike not that loud that the whole kingdom could hear but still enough to stop a few servents in thier tracks and look at the situation. They all were horrified of the outcome, since most of them knew him at a young age they've always known him to be the cold as ice worrior who never smiles, laughes, says anything nice to anyone and just is super scary. Those who had grown up with him would know the horror he went through and why he was like this but to most of them he was the scary guy who does nothing but train all day.


He laughed

They all were stunned including jennie herself who was tarrifed of him as well even though she only knew him for mire mouths.

"You guys, Thanks"

He said that as everyones expression truned to normal but they were still in physical shock. Did he just thank them?

"Welcome back, young one"

He welcomed his sister to which she was supriesed to hear that from him. But she and all of them knew he wasn't the heartless guy anymore he may be and look the same but deep down a light glowed in the darkness of the past.



She knocked on her mother's door. "Come in my darling" her mother said closing the book she was reading on her nightstand, she gestured her to come sit next to her on the edge of the bed. She sat down and brushed the rickles of her navy blue skirt as she sat, Her mother planted a kiss at the top of her head and held her hands softly. "Listen, i know it's difficult to adjust to life here, but i know you will learn in time and i'm sure i'll be very proud of you" she said as jennie smiled and looked down towards her hands. Her mother was griping them so tight, like if would just disapper right this second, she knew how much a mother cares for her child they are the most important thing to her. The mother she was raised by was the same as her, so caring , so kind. She never once doubted her. Never did she imagine her to not be her real mother.

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