𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒.

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The winter winds were biting at the Marauder's heels as they walked through the blindingly white, puffy snow that had landed on the castle from the cloudy sky void of any stars overnight. All five of their noses were going cold as they walked, going against the currents of flurry snow landing in their eyelashes and hair.

Remus had brought down a blanket from the Gryffindor common room as well as Peter, and he was currently wrapped inside of the scarlet, velvety fabric with Hollis, the two of them very close together for 'warmth.'

Their cotton or wool socks were being soaked through with the snow that somehow trickled its way into their boots and melted with the little body heat they had left. Their sweaters and coats were doing the best they could to prevent the wind, yet the howls still nipped through the fabric.

Sirius, being as dramatic humanly possible, was hopping back and forth between feet so that 'he could give the numb one that felt like it was about to fall off' a break.

"Merlin, Pads, if you fall into me one more time because of your shitty balance," James threatened as he pulled Sirius up out of the snow again. "I am going to make sure that you can't ever walk again."

Pretending to act scared, Sirius held up his hands in mock surrender and back slowly away from James.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Hollis yanked the hat off the Black's head that he had taken a solid ten minutes to place his hair perfectly underneath. Remus, James, and Peter immediately started laughing as Sirius slowly turned to Hollis with a theatrical glare.

"Oh, you'll pay for that one Rosier," he declared, and Hollis quickly stood behind Remus. "That took forever to get right."

Sirius slowly moved forwards in the snow, and Hollis adjusted her position behind a highly amused Remus to keep him from getting a go at her.

"Why am I being used as a shield here?" he asked with a laugh, suddenly turning and grabbing Hollis's waist.

Lifting her up a few inches above the ground, Remus placed the short girl directly in front of him.

"Betrayal!" Hollis shouted with wide eyes as she turned back to look at Remus, who was only laughing further with James. "I cannot believe you, wolfboy!"

At Hollis's new position, Sirius quickly snatched the hat back from her and threw an already prepared snowball directly in her face.

All of the other Marauders went totally silent with wide eyes as Hollis slowly wiped the small flakes of snow away from her eyes.

"It's on, you bitch."

Sirius briefly transformed into a dog.

"That is not funny!"

It only took a few seconds for the five of them to each pack several snowballs into their arms and hold their arms back, ready to throw them at one another as viciously as possible.

"Alliance?" Remus whispered to Hollis, who nodded while not making eye contact.

"WOAH!" James shouted dramatically as he pointed at the two of them across from him. "I SAW THAT!"

In response, Hollis pegged him with a snowball right on his glasses. James furiously took them off and wiped the copper frames, glaring even further at her now that his vision had been restored.

"Don't you dare go for the glasses, Rosier."

"Too late, Potter."

Out of nowhere, Remus snuck up behind James and dumped an entire coat full of snow onto his spiky black hair.

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