𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒.

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December 25, 1995
6:23 am
12 Grimmauld Place

When Hermione Granger woke up on Christmas morning at Grimmauld Place next to Ginny Weasley, the first thing she did was eagerly shake the redhead's shoulders. The year so far with Umbridge had been immensely stressful, and to finally have a break surrounded by all of her friends was amazing.

"Ginny, wake up!" she said, shaking the Weasley's shoulders covered by her bright purple G sweater. 

"I don't know why I agreed to share a room with you," teased Ginny, pulling a strand of hair from her mouth that had fallen there in her sleep. "Why exactly are we waking up at six am?"

Hermione grabbed her freckled hand and began to pull her down the stairs.

"I'm just really excited to see what-"

And then, in a sudden flurry of movements, Ginny tripped a protruding iron baseboard and ran directly into a bookshelf. Not being able to stop herself in time, Hermione fell on top of Ginny and landed with a groan as a book fell from the shelf and landed on her back.

"Very graceful," Ginny grumbled sarcastically. "Hopefully we didn't break this thing, it looks ancient."

Brushing off her pajama pants with narrowed brown eyes, Hermione looked carefully at the book that had fallen.

Unlike the rest of them that were bound with black leather and golden lettering, this book was rectangular with a warm, soft brown and no title giving any indication at what the contents inside could be.

It occured to Hermione for a few moments that this might be private, but her curiousity overwhelmed her as she cracked open the cover.

Inside, there was a picture of three little girls labelled The Baddest Bitches in All of Hogwarts - 1971

"1971?" Ginny muttered in shock. "This thing really is ancient."

"Who are these people?" Hermione asked, flipping a page back and seeing that there was a torn rip where the first pack should have been. "Someone took the first page."

"You lot's clumsy banging is going to wake the entire house up," Fred groaned, nearly tripping down the stairs himself. "This is why I apparate."

He noticed their silence in confusion and snacthed the book directly from their hands. 

"This some sort of diary, ladies?" he joked with a wide grin, flipping to a page far back. "What's inside-"

He cut himself off abruptbly as he saw the picture he had flipped to.

Inside was a hospital bed very similar to the one they had visited Mr. Weasley in the other night with two people sitting on top. 

The first one was a girl in what looked to be her sixth year with coily, inky black hair and tawny skin laced with lighter, raised scars. She had her arms tightly wrapped around a boy that was clearly taller than her even whilst sitting that had jet black hair as well that flowed gracefully to his shoulders.

It was clear that the two of them were incredibly close with their heads resting on the other's shoulder and chest, but none of the three knew how.

"Look at the caption," Hermione whispered thoughtfully, pointing to the elegant handwriting.

Hollis and Sirius - 1977

"That's Sirius?" Fred asked in awe. "But he looks so.. young."

"Well it was twenty two years ago," Ginny said with a crooked grin. "Basic maths, Freddie."

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