Malum Kidfic- Not Faking

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Luke- Dad (38)
Michael- Papa (36)
Niall-Son (18)

Niall's POV-

I woke up and realised two things. First of all, it was already 6 am. Second of all, I felt like shit. Before I could even register how bad I felt, I fell back asleep.

I woke up with a start to Dad yelling.

"Come on Niall, you gotta get up. We need to leave for school in 15 minutes!"

I groaned and rolled over facing him. I could feel the nausea rolling through my stomach and was afraid to even talk.

"Dad. I really don't feel good. Can I stay home today?"

"Niall do not start this. We are running late as it is. You are perfectly fine."

"But I think I have a fever."

Dad felt my head.

"You are not warm at all now get up and hurry."

Ugh. I sighed slowly. Of course he doesn't believe me. The one time I am sick in the past three years, he don't believe me. Great.

I noticed a headache come on abrubtly when I stood up. I groaned. I grabbed some jeans and a hoodie out of my closet and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

"Hey Ni. Here is a banana it is all we got time for."

"I am not hungry," I said, feeling a wave of nausea from even thinking about eating.

"Fine suit yourself."

2 hours later

I was sitting in math class trying my best to focus on my homework. I decided I wanted to get all of my homework done during classes today so I could just rest when I get home. I finally finished the last of the problems, and leaned back in my seat. Our teacher said we could talk quietly when we finished homework. I just stayed at my desk and laid my head down. My teacher must have noticed something was off as she walked towards me.

"Niall are you alright honey?"

"I am okay. Just have a headache."

"Alright let me know if you need anything. Class will be over in 15 minutes."

She smiled at me and walked back to the front.

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang and I booked it to the bathroom. I felt my stomach turning violently and knew I needed to go soon or I would have an accident.

I ran into the first stall and pulled my pants down as fast as I could, sitting down just in time to be sick out of that end. While that was happening, I felt the urge to puke. I didn't know what to do, and before I knew it I was vomiting all over myself and the floor. It even bounced off the stall door. I was sick for about 5 minutes before I was able to get a break. I cleaned myself up the best I could, but had puke stained clothes. I left the mess there, too embarrassed to tell a janitor.

This was when I realised I needed to go to the nurse's office. I could not get through the day with my shirt smelling like puke and feeling this nauseous. I walked slowly down the halls, and was stopped by my next hour teacher walking through the hall.

"Niall you are supposed to be in my class right now."

"I am going to the nurse I feel sick."

She then looked me over and noticed the puke stains on my shirt.

" Alright I am sorry. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I said.

When I entered the office, the nurse looked up at me.

"What can I do for you?"

"I haven't felt good all morning and was just sick in the bathroom."

She nodded and noticed my shirt.

"I will get you a new shirt to change into. What is your name honey?"

"Niall Horan."

"Alright Niall here is a shirt. There is a bathroom right through this door. Take your time."

I thanked her and went into the small bathroom. When I got in there, I instantly started puking again. The nurse must have heard.

"You okay?" She asked, knocking on the door.

"Yeah," I said trying to fight off another urge to puke.

I changed into the shirt she gave me and put my old one into a plastic bag that she also gave me.

When I came out, she looked up at me.

"I have called your dad Niall. He will be here to get you soon."

I nodded and layed down on the small bed. I felt extremely tired and fell asleep quickly.

(This story will be continued. I am not going to make a new part as I just want it on one chapter, but I am stopping for now because I'm really tired.)

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