Luke's Kid Sick (Part 2)

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Alright so in the first part I kept using Luke instead of Tyler because I am so used to writing sickfics with Luke as the sick person lol. I fixed that. The kids name is Tyler not Luke, note that if I mess up.

Tyler's POV

I woke up to my dad placing a blanket over me. I noticed I was on the couch.

"Hey bud, you were asleep so I tried my best not to wake you. I know you're actually sick this time, and I'm sorry for not believing you. I think later on we need to have a chat, but for now just rest."

"Thanks dad, I'm sorry for faking before."

"Its okay, I'm going to work in my office, call me if you need anything."

I smiled at him and closed my eyes. I fell asleep once again.


I woke up with a start and noticed I was sweating buckets. I rolled over and saw it was dark outside. I checked my phone and realised it was already 10 pm. Wow I must have really been tired. I felt very hot. I had assumed dad was asleep, but I felt so hot and needed his company. I walked into his room and saw he was still awake on his phone.


"Ty? What you doing up?"

"I'm really hot," I whined.

"Come here," he said.

He stuck the thermometer in my mouth. We waited until the beep.

"102.7, that's really high little dude."

"I feel awful."

"I know, why don't you go and find some cool pajamas to wear and I'll run you a cool shower."


I got my clothes and walked into the bathroom. My dad let me have some privacy and told me to call him if I have any issues. I didn't attempt to have a super long shower as it was very cold and I was too weak. I finished up and put on my pajamas. I slowly walked into my room and crawled into bed. I heard a faint voice from the living room. It was my dad and it seemed he was already calling me in to school for tomorrow. I figured he would make me go tomorrow. I fell asleep fast, not bothering to shut my light off.

Luke's POV

I walked into Tyler's room after calling him in to school for tomorrow. I noticed he left his light on but was fast asleep. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss, and shut his light off. He's really a good kid. I started to think about how hard I was on him before. I should have asked if he's okay before going off on him. I went to bed that night with a million thoughts swarming inside my head.

The next day I noticed Tyler was awake on the couch.

"What you doing up bud?"

"Woke up and needed a change in scenery," He said.

"How you feeling?"

"Better, I'm not hot anymore. I just feel tired and weak."

"Do you want to try some toast for breakfast?"

"Sure," he said, and I went to go make the toast.

I have him the toast and he ate one piece. At least it was some. He ended up feeling mostly better that day.

"Tyler! Time to have that talk I told you about!"

He came to the kitchen table and sat next to me. I had made rice for dinner as something to not upset his stomach again.

"So, what has been bothering you? Why have you been not wanting to go to school?"

"I just, it's so hard... with mom being gone. I can't focus on my work and I feel like I'm a failure and I get bullied at school."

"Son, you need to tell me these things. They aren't going to get better unless you talk to someone. I'm not going to send you to school until I get something worked out with your principal. Don't worry, we can get this figured out. I love you."

"Thanks dad, I love you too, but can I save this for tomorrow? My stomach is bothering me again."

"Yeah sure bud, go lay down in bed and I'll come bring you medicine soon."

After that night he was completely better. I kept him off school for a few days until I was able to get in contact with the school. We figured out the bullies, and they got suspended. Tyler started talking to me when he had issues. He reached out to his counselor when he needed it. His grades slowly but surely went up. I was proud to have my son back.

5sos and 1D SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora