Louis Chokes on date

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Request by naenaebb212

"Louis and Harry go on a date, Louis chokes, Harry tries the Heimlich, fails, then Louis passes out and has to go to the hospital. Oh, and could they be dating in this one?"

Harry woke up at 8am on a sunny Friday morning. He hopped out of bed to shower and get himself ready for the day. He was super excited for tonight. He had planned a lovely date with his boyfriend Louis. It was their 1 year anniversary today. He made reservations for a fancy seafood restaurant. Louis didn't know about it yet. He decided to first make Louis a big breakfast in bed.  He figured this was perfect, because Louis was still asleep.

When he was done getting ready, he went to the kitchen to start breakfast. He made pancakes, sausage, and eggs for him and Louis. He took Louis his food, and gently woke him up. "Louis, Louis wake up babe." He said softly.

Louis opened his eyes slowly and looked at Harry who was holding a plate filled with food.

"Good morning babe. Happy anniversary! I made you breakfast in bed!"

"Happy anniversary Haz, you didn't need to do all of this for me!"

"Shut up. I love you. Here you go. I will go get mine and come join you," said Harry, walking out of the room to go get his breakfast.

They both ate and talked. Louis already knew what his present was for Harry. He was going to ask Harry to marry him! He just was trying to figure out the right time to do it.

"So Louis, I was going to let this be a surprise, but I wanted to tell you now. I am taking you out to dinner at the seafood restaurant in town." Harry said with a big smile on his face.

This was perfect! Harry gave Louis the perfect opportunity to propose. He would do it tonight at the restaurant!

"Harry! Thank you! You know I love seafood."

"But you love me more," Harry chuckled.

"Yes I do. Come here," Louis kissed Harry and then hugged him.

"I have a present for you too. It is a surprise!" Louis exclaimed.

"What! I told you my surprise now you have to tell me yours!"

"Nope. It will ruin it if I told you now."

"Louis you little shithead!" Harry shouted, chasing Louis through the house.

They both got tired of running around and sat on the couch. They had decided to sit home and watch a few movies. They fell asleep together, and Harry woke up around 2pm. He woke Louis, who decided to go shower and get dressed in some fancy clothes.

By 4pm, they were both ready to go. The reservation wasn't until 6, so they had gone out to a park to walk around for a while. They took photos together by the water at the park. Louis posted them on Instagram with the hashtag #1year.

Around 5:30, they left and headed to the restaurant. They both were led to a table, and ordered their drinks.

When the waitress came by for them to order, Harry and Louis both ordered the fried shrimp with soup on the side.

Their meal came about 15 minutes later, and they taked and ate. Louis was in the middle of eating a particularly large piece of shrimp, when it got lodged in his throat. He started coughing, and couldn't get it to come out. Harry looked up at Louis.

"Louis? Are you okay?" Harry asked looking panicked.

Louis kept choking and shook his head. He was taking in very small gasps of air every time he coughed. He stood up to try and get into a better position, and grabbed at his throat, his face turning bright red.

Harry jumped into action and started doing the Heimlich on Louis. It wasn't working.

"Hey I need help over here! My boyfriend is choking! Please help!" He yelled out.

Someone from another table came running over. He said he was a medical professional, and started doing the Heimlich just like Harry tried. Harry dialed 911 fast.

Operator: 911 what is your emergency?

Harry: I am at a restaurant with my boyfriend and he is choking!

Operator: Is he able to breathe at all?

Harry: No! He is turning blue!

Harry gave them the restaurant name and paced in circles waiting for them to show up. He looked back at Louis and saw his eyes rolling back and he passed out.

"No! Louis!" Harry cried, grabbing Louis in his arms. When the paramedics arrived, Harry got out of the way and let them do their job.

They picked up the unconscious boy and positioned him on his knees. They had to continue with the Heimlich even with Louis being unconscious, as he wasn't breathing. After a few hard pushes, a chunk of shrimp came flying out of Louis' mouth, and he slowly woke up, gasping for air.

"Hello Louis. You are going to be just fine. You choked on your food. We are going to just slide this oxygen mask around your head. Take slow deep breaths for me."

Louis did as he was told. After a few seconds, his breathing evened out. He looked over and saw Harry crying and having a panic attack. He was too weak to be able to help.

Harry locked eyes with Louis, and mouthed the words I love you, as they got Louis on the gurnee and wheeled him outside into the ambulance.

Someone came over to Harry trying to calm him down. After a few minutes, they waked outside. Harry wanted badly to ride with Louis in the ambulance, but he knew he had to drive the car. He followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital.

When he arrived, Louis had just gotten into the hospital room and was drifting off to sleep. Harry let him sleep, and the nurses were taking his vitals.

They cleared him to be able to leave when he woke up and said he should only eat soft foods for the night as his throat may be sore from choking.

After an hour, Louis slowly woke up and smiled at Harry.

"Louis. You scared me so bad," said Harry.

"I am sorry babe. I am okay," he replied.

Louis then remembered that he never got to give Harry his anniversary gift.

"Harry. Come here," Louis said.

Harry sat next to Louis. Louis pulled out a tiny black box that had an H engraved on top. Harry immediately knew what Louis was doing, and could not believe it.

"Harry. We have only been together for 1 year, but it has been the best year of my life. Thank you for all you have done and especially tonight for helping save me. I love you. Will you marry me?"

Harry started crying. "Yes! Yes Louis I will marry you!"

Louis slid the ring onto Harry's finger. They kissed and hugged and talked about planning a wedding already. The doctor came in a few minutes later to discharge Louis. He gave him clear instructions on how to spend the next 24 hours as to not irritate his throat more.

Louis and Harry were both glad that Louis was okay, and they rode home together singing songs to each other. They spent the rest of the night watching movies and drinking hot tea.

Louis was so glad to have Harry as his soon to be husband. They cuddled and soon fell asleep, exhausted from the long day.


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait for an update. I hope this request was good. Sorry it wasn't that long, I have never wrote about someone choking so was not exactly sure of what to write. I have been sick for the past 2 weeks. I am feeling better, but have intense pain in my upper side side/back so I have been trying to rest hoping it would go away but it hasn't. I plan on going to the doctor today. I will actually be doing another request type of thing before doing a few of my own. It is not exactly a request, but I will be doing a collaboration with someone on here for a sickfic. I hope everyone is doing well!

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