Draft-Luke Faking

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Hey everyone. I was looking at my drafts and found a sickfic from another story I started. It wasn't finished, but I copied and pasted it here so you have something to read from me for now. Have a great day!

I woke at 6am and realized that I had a history test today that I didn't study for. Fuck, what was I gonna do? Then the idea hit me, I could just fake sick! My dad is very over protective when one of us kids are sick.

I figured I should start my plan now. I went to my bathroom that's connected to my room, and plugged in the hair dryer. I have a hair dryer that's very quiet, so my dad hopefully won't hear it. I turned it on high and blew it on my forehead for like 1 minute. I got my face hot too because usually when you have a fever you can feel it on the cheeks too. I went downstairs and to the kitchen, still wearing my pajamas.

"Hey Luke, you already up? How about some pancakes for breakfast?" He didn't turn around to look at me yet, so he didn't notice that I looked awfully sick.

"Uh, actually I'm not very hungry," I replied.

Now he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Luke? Are you okay? You're still not dressed? What's wrong, you love pancakes and never turn down breakfast!"

"I just don't feel very good." I leaned against the counter to make it look like I was dizzy. He walked over to me, and felt my forehead. He pulled back right away saying I was really warm. He brought out the thermometer. Oh Shit! I forgot about the thermometer. I had to think fast. I finally had an idea. I could say I was gonna be sick, then run to my bathroom and put hot water under my tongue.

"Come here Lukie, lets take your t....Luke, what's up? What's wrong?" He asked as he saw me breathing fast.

"Gonna b-be sick!" I yelled, before running upstairs to my bathroom. I ran the hot water and put some in my mouth. I held it in my mouth for as long as I could, then spit it out. I walked back downstairs and my dad gave me a very concerned look.

"Come on bud, lets take your temperature now."

I opened my mouth and let him stick the thermometer under my tongue.

"102.9!" He exclaimed.

"Uhhhhhh..." I moaned.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Stomach hurts," I said. It was weird because now I was actually starting to feel a stomachache come on. I shrugged it off thinking it was just nerves from being scared of getting caught lying.

"Why don't you go lay down on the couch, and I'll bring you some water, stomach relaxers, and a blanket."

"But, But, What about school and my big test today?!"

He started laughing. "Luke, your health is much more important than a history test that you can always take at a later time when you're better."

I chuckled slightly, before feeling a slight wave of nausea come over me. Weird. Am I getting karma now for faking sick? I just shut my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

When I woke up, I felt fine. I figured I was right, just nerves. I told my dad I was better around dinner time, and I ate some dinner, not all of it, so that I don't make it seem like I was never sick at all. After I ate, I went to bed.

I woke up around 1 am, feeling a headache come on. I was going to get some painkillers from the bathroom, but when I stood up, the world started spinning. I sat back down, and held my head in my hands. I can't tell Dad that I'm sick now, or he'll never believe me since I already said I felt better. I managed to get back to sleep.

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