Young Liam Stomach Bug Part 2

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***Sorry it took longer than expected.***

Liam's POV
So I was feeling a lot better and was just catching up on all my work. The next morning I heard throwing up and found dad hovered over the toilet.

"Dad, you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah Li go eat breakfast I will be done soon."

I felt bad because I got my dad sick. After a while, he came to the kitchen and sat down.

"I'm not actually sick Liam. I just took my meds without eating after. I will be fine soon."

"Oh that's good, I thought I got you sick."

"Nope. All good. Are you ready? We have to leave in 20 minutes."

"Yeah, almost." I said.

When I arrived to school, i noticed two things. 1, I forgot my math book. 2, I had a stomachache forming. I thought that was weird because I just got over being sick. It will probably pass.

Once I got to 3rd period, my stomach was cramping like hell. I layed my head down on my desk. After a few more minutes of agony, I decided I should go back home. I asked my teacher to go to the nurse and she said yes. I made my way down there to be greeted by the principal.

"Hey Liam, what's up?"

"I feel sick."

"Alright why don't you sit here for a second."

She came back with a thermometer and took my temp.

"99.7, not great but not bad. I'm going to call your parents."


"What is bothering you so I know what to tell your dad."

"Well I just got over a stomach bug and I was okay and finally came back to school only to realise I had a stomachache. Now its gotten worse my stomach is cramping."

"Okay. Lay down for a bit."

I started to feel like I was going to need the bathroom real soon.

"May I use the bathroom?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

I walked as fast as my feet would allow me until I came across the boy's bathroom. Luckily this was the private one with one toilet. I had bad diarrhea. Once I finished I made my way back to the office, to see my dad waiting for me.

"Hey bud? You feeling sick again?"

"Yeah," I replied.

He took me home, and I stayed on the couch for the day. I think I was just left exhausted from being so sick before. I didn't give my body time to recover fully. After that night I was better.

Hey guys. Sorry for the short part 2. Like I said, I just lost someone important to me. I wrote most of that before I found out. I think writing may actually work as a good coping method for me. That being said, this book will continue on. :)

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