Muke's Kid Faking Sick (Part 2)

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Zack's POV
I got to class and I felt awfully hot. I didn't currently feel nauseous or anything but I was just so damn hot. I needed to get out of here. I raised my hand.

"Yes Zackary?" Said Mrs. B

"Could I use the bathroom quick?" I asked, about ready to cry.

"Yes, hurry back though."

I rushed out, maybe a little to fast, as everyone including her stared at me with wide eyes.
I got into the bathroom and it was still hot. I turned on the cold water and I rubbed my face with the ice cold substance. I stood there for a few minutes, then realization hit me. I probably have a fever and that's why I'm so fucking hot.

I went back to class and took my seat. I was content for a bit, the cool water helping a lot, but it was wearing off and I became hot again. We were doing a worksheet. I'm usually talking to friends but today I wasn't. I sat with my head down, not even caring about the math in front of my face. The teacher notices my state and walks over to me.


I looked up at her, "Yes?"

"Are you alright. You are usually talkative and do your work right away."

"I'm sorry Mrs. B. I really feel hot and I went to the bathroom to put cold water on my face and it helped but now I'm hot again. I felt sick this morning and my dad didn't believe me because I kind of faked yesterday. I guess this is karma."

"Aw hun. Don't feel bad. Let's get you into the office. You probably have a fever."

She told the class to be quiet and do their work while she takes me to the nurse, and then we go. As I was walking with her, I got dizzy. I stopped and sat on the floor by a locker.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm dizzy"

"Okay. Come on, i will help you up."

We made it to the office and they took my temperature. Me and Mrs. B have a good bond, so she stays for a few minutes to make sure I'm okay. My temperature was 102.4, and Mrs. B explains what happened in class and then says she has to get back before the kids set the school on fire (lol).

My dad was called to get me and he felt bad for not believing me. We went home and I got progressively worse over the next few hours. My fever spiked to 103.8, I was throwing up every half hour, and my head was spinning and killing me. My dad and pops decide its time for me to go to the hospital.

I was rushed in to emergency and they only found out I had a bad flu and was dehydrated. They gave me fluids and kept me overnight. I was a lot better the next day. The day after that, I went back to school. I learned one thing from this. Don't ever fake sick. It will come back to get you sooner or later.

*sorry for the short story and abrupt ending. I couldn't think of anything more. I'm very stressed, but wanted to update to make you guys happy.*

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