Muke's Kid Faking Sick (Part 1)

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Luke: Dad
Michael: Pops
Zack: Son/13

***Night Before***

***Zack' s POV***

I really was dreading going to school tomorrow. I have 2 tests and a project due and it's been stressful. I didn't finish my project because I didn't understand. I just needed another day to work on it and I could do that by staying home tomorrow. I had the idea to fake sick. My dad and pops always baby me when I'm sick. They must think I'm dying or something haha. But, they both work tomorrow and tomorrow is their last day to record so it's important. I can tell them that I'll be fine here alone and then they can go. Then I'll get my project done! What's that you say? You think I'm being bad? Well true, but at least I'm staying home to do something educational, not just to sleep or have friends over. I decided to start my plan early. It was almost dinner time, and so I decided to lay in bed and turn my light off, only leaving my lamp on. Usually I don't shut my light off until I'm going to bed. I get headaches often, so my dad usually knows that if my light is off, I have a headache. I heard footsteps coming so I pulled the blankets over me and stared at the ceiling.

"Knock knock," said my dad, "What's up? You got your light off."

"Head, killing me..." I said, trying to sound weak.

"Aw well come on let's get you some dinner maybe you're just hungry since you haven't eaten since school today."

He walked over to me and lifted me by the hand. I sat up slowly to make it seem like I was really in pain. I stood up and immediately sat back down to make it seem like I was dizzy.

"Woah buddy take it easy, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm okay just got dizzy."

He helped me stand again and slowly walked with me down the stairs for dinner. Dinner was spaghetti and boy it smelled so good and I was so hungry but I had to keep up the act.

Pops came in the room and sat down next to me.

"Its spaghetti, your favorite!" He said excitedly while getting me a huge bowl of it. He set it by me and I took 2 bites of it and set my fork back down.

"What's wrong? You love spaghetti? Did I do something wrong making it?"

"No, no it's good I'm just not feeling very well."

Dad came in the room. Once he helped me to the table, he must've went to get stuff cause he came into the kitchen with a thermometer and some medicine.

I didn't think this part though. I came up with a plan fast.

"Lets take you're temperature buddy and see what's going on with you." He said.

I sat there calm for a few seconds so I wouldn't seem suspicious by jumping up right away, but then I spoke.

"I think I'm gonna puke," I said as I went running to the bathroom.

I got there and slammed the door and locked it. I made vomiting sounds just in case my dad were to come by the door. I ran the hot water and I put some under my tongue.

I went out and went back to the table. My dad stuck the thermometer in my mouth. It beeped and he took it out.

"101.4," he said. Why don't you go lay down and go to bed.

I went to bed and fell asleep pretty fast.

The next morning came around and I woke up at 5 to plan for my sick day. I started by grabbing a box of tissues from downstairs and took a bunch of them and wadded them up. I threw them all over my bed, and put the box on the floor. I wanted it to seem like I had some sort of flu. A bad one where I was sick to my stomach and regular cough stuffy nose type of sick. I turned the tv off. My dad knows I love tv and always watch it so if it's off then he knows something is wrong. I made my bed look like a mess to seem like I was super tired and uncomfortable. Then, I started to rub my nose to make it super red. I took a few minutes to force myself to cry so that I'd have a runny nose. I wanted to really go all out for this.

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