Update soon

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Hey guys. So last night was a rough night. I live with my great grandparents. My great grandma is 83, and great grandpa is 90. They both have dementia, but my grandma has always been worse. But last night my grandpa was hallucinating very badly and was seeing cats and I do have one cat but he saw several. It was 2am and I was up with him until about 3:30 before I finally couldn't handle it and woke my grandma up. She came out in the living room to sit with him (he sleeps in a chair cause he cannot sleep im bed) and I turned the TV on for him to hopefully get his mind focused on something else. Before I got her up though, he was saying he didn't know he was at home and that this place just looked a lot like home but different. He saw everything as a different color and the room was bigger. I tried to say its okay we are home and he kept saying that. I was crying at that point and was so scared that he would get up and hurt himself by wandering around the house. This morning, he saw a person sitting next to him and no one was there. I feel very stupid writing this because I never mention it to the public, but this is how my life has been going for a while now. I am under insane amounts of pressure to get a job and to watch them constantly. Nobody stays here with me to help watch them, and I feel so alone. My regular grandma (their daughter) comes to help fill their pills for the week, and drives them to appointments, but when I am scared she just tells me there is nothing we can do and that she wouldn't want to be me and deal with it either. She doesn't seem to understand how bad I want her to be here.

Anyways, that is enough of my rambling.

I should have my next request up by tomorrow, which is another Harry sickfic. After that is a request for a Y/N sicfic. I am sorry to both of you that I haven't done them as fast as the other 2 I did. I am trying my best. Thanks for listening.

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