Malum- Michael Sick

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Okay. I am going to start this off by saying I am so so so so sorry nurse2020. I promised this request a year ago. I wasn't feeling the mood at the time and I let this fic get swallowed by the rest of them and never came back to it. No excuses just plain wrong of me. I hope you still are out there and willing to read this and forgive me.


Request by nurse2020

"Can you do one where Michaels sick really bad and the other guys don't believe him. Calum believes Michael and try's to help him out. He ends up passing out right before they get on stage. He wakes up in the ambulance and hears that he has to get surgery because something went wrong in his body( ie. torn tissue from throwing up too hard). He wakes up in a hospital room to see the others sleeping in the couch and Calum sleeping in a chair with his head on the bed while holding his hand. Make sure there's a lot of drama and fluff, especially Malum fluff."


Michael woke up in the morning with a stomachache. Now was not the time for him to be sick. They had a concert tonight. He groaned and rolled over. He sat up, and instantly regretted it. He was now nauseous and lightheaded. He decided to get up and get changed. He wore a loose shirt, and baggy sweatpants so that he was comfortable in his sick state. He then went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He then walked down the stairs to join the boys for breakfast. He sat down next to Luke.

"Hey Michael. Have some pancakes," said Luke.

"No thanks."

"Why? Aren't you hungry?"

"I feel like crap. I'm nauseous and dizzy."

"Oh come on Michael don't be pulling this stunt today," Ashton blurted in.

"I'm not faking, but whatever Ashton. I don't feel like arguing with you today."

"Michael you know Ashton is right. You need to quit faking. We need to get this stuff done today and we can't have you acting like a baby." Said Luke.

Wow. Michael was kind of hurt that his friends didn't believe him. Why would he fake sick? He wouldn't stoop that low on a busy day. Instead of arguing back, he went to sit in the bathroom for a bit before they had to leave. He felt pretty nauseous. Calum walked in a few minutes later to say they had to go.

"Calum please believe me. I feel so awful I can barely stand I'm so light headed and I'm so nauseous my stomach is killing me."

"Come here Mikey."
Calum felt Michael's forehead and it was pretty warm. He grabbed the thermometer from the cabinet and told Michael to put it in his mouth. When it beeped, he pulled it out.

"Mikey you have a fever. 101 so not super high but it's still not good."

Calum felt bad for Michael and wrapped him into a giant warm hug.

"I feel bad for making you go but you know how the others are, especially management."

Michael slowly got up and walked with Calum out to the car where the other boys were already waiting.

When they got in, Luke lashed out.

"Michael! Calum! What the hell! We are going to be late because of you guys! Poor Ashton is stressed enough with all we have to do today and now he has to deal with you guys pushing it!"

"Poor Ashton? How about poor Michael. He was just sitting in the bathroom nearly crying because you two won't believe him."

"Oh my god. Hes still on that sick act?"

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