Life Update

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Hey everyone. I hope you are doing well. I wanted to take a minute to explain why I have not been very active on here recently. I was doing pretty good with writing for a few days, but then I got busy. I had finally gotten in for a much needed eye test about a month ago. I struggled for weeks with my dad constantly saying he'd go pick my glasses up for me because it was in Illinois and I didn't want to drive there. He never did. Finally me and my Grandma got tired of waiting on him and she drove me there to get them. I see much better now.

Another thing is I finally got a referral to a Cardiologist from my Doctor. I had my appointment yesterday. For a few days before the appointment I was looking up my symptoms I know that can be scary and they dont recommend it but turns out I was right with what I thought I have. I was diagnosed with POTS- (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). The thing that concerns me is he didn't do any testing to confirm that. He just asked me if I know what I could have and I mentioned this and he said yes. So I am going to ask for testing just to make sure. I will be going back Sept. 2nd for an echocardiogram to see if anything else is going on with my heart. If you have never heard of POTS, you can google search it. It's sort of hard to explain. Long story short my veins are constricted so my blood doesnt flow through my body fast enough when standing up so it causes dizziness, palpitations, racing heart, and many other symptoms.

But on the positive note, I got confirmation from my teacher today that I completed all my credits and have graduated High School! My diploma will be sent to me through the mail.

5sos and 1D SickficsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя